For the sake of convenience, all posts concatenated into one
Pelo benefício da comodidade, todos os posts
reunidos em um único documento.
by mountaineerbr
#43 - Former YouTube Subscription
When I removed my YouTube channel and content, I migrated the
best subscriptions I had to a secondary account which I was using
for browsing videos only.
As it happens, removing YouTube from my life/focus has been
painful but very rewarding. It is good to have more time to think
about my life and the things I need do.
It turns out that I was spending too much time on my secondary
YouTube account watching videos.. So I decided to remove this other
account, too, and focus on other things..
However, watching youtube videos sometimes may not a bad idea..
Some people are just fun but others keep an eye on climate change
and market news.. So I compiled the following list. The list is
almost complete, there may be missing about a dozen or so channel
There is a new section there with all my former youtube sub
#42 - Podcast #7 - Season Finale -
Freedom, Focus and Mushrooms
Notas sobre o último episódio da temporada do podcast. Não
conseguimos abordar todos os assuntos, mas tem bastante conteúdo e
I am not sure how to script out this podcast, but I sure want to
record one more episode.
Actually, I did try recording a last episode for this podcast
season, but I decided to try to broadcast a live event on YouTube
with Streamlabs (Android) and lost the stream (about 36min) because
Streamlabs was not able to stream to YouTube. Didn't warn it in a
way I could understand before ending the event.
Sync news about YouTube channel (removed) and this website
future developments (or lack of)
Just go over the subjects on blog posts #38 and #39.
Plans for a future Season 1 of my podcast.
The second season (Season 1) of the podcast may be in English.
If so, episodes will be shorter and I will need planning a little
more for each episode as I fear my spoken English may be rather
Getting my parents vaccinated and Covid
Dad vaccination went OK but mum was not able to have ser second
shot, yet. We met some funny people while waiting on queues..
Politics, public contests and jobs
Cannot really say there is a complete lack of jobs but
that is not a simple subject.. Some political notes.
Bitcoin price, Elon Musk and Hodling
Just to make sure I think Elon Musk is not making such good
decisions anymore.. Comments about hodling.
Becoming an activist by accident, Clintel and Heartland
There may some powerful people looking for me. They want to
Unfortunately, this topic was not covered in this
Defeating my vices
I am glad I don't do hard drugs, such as cocaine. But alcohol,
tobacco and Marijuana may also become a big problem, specially when
these vices lock together.
There are some YouTube references which are helping me a lot:
Gnarkill Kyle
Sullivan Timothy
Ward Travis
Woo Rafael
Jordão Davi
Silva Coach Addiction
This last one channel (Davi's) is helping me a lot because he has
got new techniques to help defeat addictions. For example, he says
we should not keep thinking alcoholism is a disease and that we
shall be ill of it for ever. Such thoughts just make us depressed.
Better not to think too much of our own addiction and try to keep
on the recovery path. Also, better not to keep talking too much
about addiction. We want to be free of addictions and forget to
talk about it.
Mushrooms and Psychedelics
Talk about mushroom trip stories from some years back and
maybe we should aim to have another mushroom trip some
time. But before that, we need the appropriate date, set
and setting.
That is unfortunate we could not go over about all the topics
but there were lots of things we talked about..
Fig 1. CD cover of a famous Brazilian artist. He talks
about mushrooms, gnomes and the such in his songs.
Ventania, as he is called, is a long
wanderer.Fig 2. Psilocybe cubensis by Fausto
Barros (flickr).
#41 - Overview on My Blogging
As mentioned in previous posts, it was so much fun to develop
shell scripts which generate static webpages for the website.
I don't programme in C but use many C blobs (programmes) in my
After almost one year developing my own tools, I don't regret
not learning Jekyll or WordPress. I am sure these scripts will work
for a long time, but I will get into details.
I started writing specific scripts that would accomplish one
task. Some tasks depend on each other so I wrote some scripts which
run them in the rigt order in each section or directory of the
As such, that is enough for me to run a single script at the
website root and all sections of the website will be updated!
The good thing about these scripts is I tried to keep each
performing a single function. As such, I can reuse these scripts
for creating independent sections in future websites.
However, these scripts depend on specific directory hierarchies
and templates, even though I made my best to avoid minor or
accidental changes to the templates breaking the processing and
setting the major variables correctly should make the processing
work with different file structures.
I don't expect anyone to actually use these scripts for his own
blog, but i am sure there are some good ideas and chuncks anyone
can find useful for his own set of poor man webmaster tools.
Just a note, the scripts could be much, much more simple had I
chosen not to strictly follow standards and validation tests as a
means to learning HTML, CSS and management.
Surprisingly, to running all the scripts take less than 20
seconds, or less than 40 seconds when regenerating all buffers and
pages.. What may take some time is pushing large data to git (for
example, audio) and now the new script which archives some of repos
for distribution, but that should not be run everytime..
System overview
The Blog System
This was the first system to be created. It checks all blog
entries with globs for /blog/[0-9]+/ but with
zshextended globbing, which really makes
life easier.
There is a template file copy called i.html inside
the entry directory which holds the author original text of the
blog entry in HTML. It would be OK to use markdown however markdown
is very limited in comparison of what structure and formatting HTML
The script will read many HTML tags, such as [DESCRIPTION],
[KEYWORDS], [DATE] and [TITLE] and generate title lists for the
blog homepage and of the latest 10 posts for the website homepage,
and generate a webpage with all post concatenated. For this last
task, the script leaves some buffer files behind for speed
improvement in the following runs. As long as the original
i.html and buffer modification dates are the same, the
old buffer is reused.
That was a very important decision to start using
tidy, the granddaddy of HTML tools for procssing HTML.
We can expect tidy having a definite output once you
configure it to your needs. That allows us to work realiably on
obtaining and modifying data from specific fields with
sed and other tools.
Recently, an option was added which generates a new post from a
template directory and automates most required tasks, such as
setting the number and date of the post. Before, I had to manually
copy the template directory, which really only holds the template
i.html file, and set all properties manually.
Sitemap System
Soon after the website was holding a little of interesting and
original content, I set up search engines craws to my website in
order to try and figure among their search results.
The biggest ones to sign up for (even though they should reach
your website in due course of time automatically) were Bing and
Google. Both of these websites offer a console for checking data
from search egines and that is all and the only data I know is
currently collected from their users and shared with me about my
With this need I developed scripts to generate theree types of
sitemaps, two for crawlingengines and one for
Blog RSS Feed System
As page development progressed, my attention was caught by RSS
feeds. Luke Smith was one of
the first I remember reccomending setting up your own RSS
RSS feed networks work in a very peculiar way in which one peer
can relay audio content and data to other peers. Essentially, you
are covered as copies of your podcast are broadcast and reach the
end point, the listener. Having a copy of your content delivered to
your listeners without depending too much on thrid-party services
is really satisfying.
Plus, working with XML files, which are HTML files with a very
strict syntax, turned out to be very useful. Mostly, we can work
with XML with tidy and xmlstarlet.
xmlstarlet is problably the only decent XML editor
available AFAIK. Otherwise,
editing XML with sed is not hard in a shell script,
In the end, I use xmlstarlet to edit a basic and
valid RSS feed (remember, RSS stands for Really
Simple Syndication) with entries description taken from
[DESCRIPTION] tags of blog posts and some more metadata such as
There is also an alternative RSS feed with full content of blog
entries, which some people may prefer. However, for adding
full-HTML content in XML [DESCRIPTION] tags, sed seems
a better choice as it does not care about <![CDATA[]]> constructs nor does it try
to parse HTML.
Podcast Tumblelog and RSS Feed Systems
The real professional way of streaming podcast is through
RSS networks. As XMl was not a monster to me anymore, I
decided to write my own audiocast RSS system.
The main thing with podcast RSS is you need have at least the
initial broadcast. Spotify,
Blubrry and other
services may eventually limit podcast storage and charge for
premium services.
I could write the podcast topics in a blog entrya nd link back
to it. As podcast distribution should require including only a
(short) episode description beyond lots of
metadata, I decided to have my podcast entries
manually written as XML files.
There are two types of template files. Each audio file will need
have associate an XML file with its title, description and
metadata. That is created copying from an entry XML template. In
the next step, the script will find all XML files of episodes, fill
in all other required metadata, such as audio duration, size,
timestamps in diferent formats and will inject episode entries into
the final XML feed (from another XML template) in the correct
order, which already contains all static information about my
The automation of XML podcast entries was hard and
time-consuming, but after struggling with it for some days, it
started to work as expected and stabilise.
Even though I tried to automate fillinig in most of the
metatags, it remains a pain in the arse to fill in the required
fields of an XML template.. Still, it is so powerful what can be
done with the XML file after filling in that metadata that that the
manual work is worth it.
Once my RSS broadcast system was set, I set accounts in many
(about 14) podcast directories for making it available to their
Eventually, I decided my homepage (landing page) was crowded and
cloned content of some sections into separate pages, such as
links and quotes.
The homepage system grabs the latest links and quotes and inject
them into the homepage. If the visitor wishes the complete list of
links and quotes, she can visit dedicated pages with full content
and nice CSS styles.
Here, tidy is essential to work with well-formatted
HTML for further processing and injections.
Repository System
Just yesterday, I had this idea of hosting my repos inside my
website. Perhaps that is not the best idea as there is GitHub
infrastructure exactly for that, but I decided to have a go.
It turns out there one feature of GitHub I cannot implement,
that is to clone an entire repo (directory/folder). One way to
offer similar functionality is to offer archives of some of my
repos. That is however a shame that GitHub does
not host files over 100GB and thus I can only serve archives of
repos under 100GB.
This is the script which takes the longest time and is dependent
on the compression method. But this should not be run every time,
anyways, so not a problem speed-wise.
Vlog System
This is the latest latest system I developed to take
care of publishing some videos from my old YouTube channel
-- X GNU Bio.
Before removing my YouTube channel, I decided to backup all my
videos with youtube-dl. The option to add meta data to
the videos is really generous and that enabled me to automatically
make pages for them for republication. All I have got to do is to
get meta data for fields such as title, description, comment (the
full YouTube video description), date and etc with shell scripting
tools and make HTML pages for them.
I gave a try to make a vlog section under my own website. GitHub
does not allow files larger than 100MB, so only about 20% of my
YouTube videos can be published over here (the smaller and shortest
I am happy with the vlog portal, and
you can check some of my YouTube videos.
This system will only work with my YouTube videos because I
downloaded them all with the same settings and metadata available.
But eventually I may have a new vlog with more videos, but will
need a new vlog system then.
One thing is for sure, we shall not return to YouTube anytime
I don't think any clone of ksh can beat the
original in term of speed because Korn's C code cannot be beat.
Feature-wise, mksh wants to be compatible with
bash and oksh is a little more true to
ksh however it has gone a different path and has got
less features than ksh. But I haven't read nor used
near enough about these yet to have any due criticism..
ksh code is also dependent on other software from
Advanced Software
Technology suite, developed by Mr Korn and a few others through
many decades of work.
When Siteshwar and Kurtis Rader started to work on
ksh code in 2017 thereabouts, they could not understand
it very well and chose to remove large chunks of the code and
rewrite whatever was left in such a C idiomatics and using
compilers that made the shell terribly slow compared to original
stable ksh93u+ and ultimately led to the AST code
In retrospective, if Siteshwar and kdrader1961 wanted to change
so much of the code, they should have forkedksh repo in the first place
I am happy some stepped up and manage to get AST (and
ksh93) official repo back on the correct track.
ksh seems like a suitable default shell for
scripting. Feature-wise, that is comparable to
bash+zsh in some sense. Even though Mr Korn, Mr Glenn
and others stopped developing AST tools, I reckon these tools can
be useful for quite some time yet almost unrivalled..
For example, instead of using GNU or busybox
default utilities such as grep, one can use AST
grep, wc and so on..
AST repo was easy to compile in my machine and
ksh93 had many features enabled by defaults. I wonder
why Siteshwar decided to change the compiler if this works so well
in my current machine and, as I have read, in so many legacy
hardware architectures, too.
I will be using ksh for scripting more often. There
are some specific cases ksh beats zsh and
bash by a lot, in other cases just by little. Still,
it does not let the user expectations down as it seems to always be
faster than these other big shells.
In fact, I rewrote a bashbitcoin parser script in
ksh. Unfortunately, in this case, as the script is so
big, convoluted and makes heavy use of external tools (mainly
bitcoin-cli and jq), it cannot be get
much faster.. Still I got a 10-15% speed increase and sometimes
more than that depending on the functions used. However, if you are
going to use that script parser, prefer the bash
version as the ksh code is experimental and not fully
tested to match bash output..
Below are some references I spent almost a full day reading.
They are related to ksh more recent developments and
some other references from a live event I made recently on
I am really proud of my little blog system. I cannot just remove
it from the public domain reach. The same feeling is not so strong
about my YouTube Channel.
In fact, with very little remorse I was able to remove that on
Friday. Google (at least YouTube branch) cannot use my data and my
subscribers data as they wish anymore. There were 258 subscribers
to my YouTube channel and more than 130, many which I am proud to
have recorded, some turned out to be lessons of didatics or lack
of.. I made a copy of all of the videos with good youtube-dl
and for my surprise, there was no more than 26GB of content. I know
some YouTubers claim to have much more data for content but they
must mean raw content shot locally, without edition and directly
from the camera, not downloaded with:
youtube-dl -f best -ciw -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" --add-metadata -v "$url" |& tee log.txt
Unfortunatelly, I cannot host these videos on GitHub. Many
videos are heavy and long, like 40min or even longer. I wish I
could host them here, though. Luckily, the podcast system solves this problem, albeit with
less content..
GitHub repos were made private, following a suggestion from
DistroTube some time ago.. That is a relief for me. But know
what, I will make my own version of a repo
and share static copies of my public c files (dotfiles)
and some other interesting stuff (mostly neutral things) that need
sharing to complement my blog posts here and keep those dedicated
GitHub repos for private use.
Just a note, this website is hosted
in GitHub, so you can check it over there, too..
There are some more or less sensitive information I am removing
from this website. When other people say they have got a
personnal website, they don't usually mean a public
diary, rather leave some (hopefully useful) information and
ideas for other peple to reach.
Things get complicated when it comes to employment. We don't
mean to scare off potential employers.. Reconsidering what to post
exatcly is a good idea. Very clear context should avoid some
problems of interpretation, too.
That said, the website structure is growing big and may seem
like a complete mess for an outsider. One of my first intentions
when building this website was that it had depth
and there was a lot to learning shell scripting for developing a
sort of suite of poor man webmaster tools to manage this
website. Not too hard but it demands effort and time. I am sure
anyone can make a dream website in details from scratch in under 9
months. That may seem like a long time but if you don't start, you
will never get there.
While I don't mind using HTML docs to keeping my personal
annotations like Xah Lee, it is also
important that the useful information in this blog be accessible
for me through any device over the internet. That is another reason
why one should have one personal website: to keep himself organised
and available reference-wise.
There are some powerful and bad peple trying to get hold of me
on personal grounds due to my confronting their dangerous research
on Brazilian people. I ought to refrain from getting into details
as a possible lawsuit may be involved. My accusation against them
is very technical and to explain it would take a reasonable amount
of time and writing. Wish me luck, time is my best friend.
Considering what I wrote in previous posts, all this builds
towards my freezing, rather than
removing, this website from public domain.
This does not mean I cannot eventually post here again but
rather I mean to have multiple websites! That tastes like
Freedom & Independence!
#38 - Going Away
Foi legal montar este website, mas agora tenho novos negócios a
fazer e preciso de foco. Espero que o leitor/ouvinte/visita tenha
gostado do nosso conteúdo! Nos vemos por aí!
There is new business I need to attend.
I will be making two websites for family members this year and
it will be unsustainable if I care to keep my own (this) website
up. The shell scripts I wrote to generate pages for this website
are working fine but became complex and I would rather try to write
a more simple website sometime. That is unforeseeable future plans.
I may reuse this address or even buy my own domain..
Other than that, I need focus to studying environmental law and
do something about my career.
That was fun to make my own broadcasting network.
I hope the reader/listener/visitor enjoyed the content in this
See you. Cheers!
#37 - Firefox on Mobile (Android)
Firefox for mobiles worked fine on my mobile phone, an Android
8.1. However, as time passed by, new Firefox (FF) updates made it
behave in an unstable manner.
New features were welcome, such as that which allowed to send
URLs from my Desktop Firefox to my Mobile Firefox through my
Firefox account. For a period of time, sending a tab would not take
10 or 20 seconds before hitting my mobile Firefox or vice-versa.
But this feature soon degraded and now it takes hours or even a
whole day..
But that is fine really. There is another workflow for sharing
URLs which I used for a long time, just fire up my e-mail console
and send myself an e-mail with the URL.
However, Firefox for mobile became really weird as updates went
on in the last 3 years. One of the first things that really turned
me off was that FF would not load a webpage and would show a
completely empty page instead. Or, it would load
the page all right and suddenly the rendering would brake and the
page would go blank.
Some versions ago, FF updates (from Android Google Play Store)
made FF to freeze some tabs and sometimes even crash, requiring a
restart and closing the affecting tab to prevent freezing as soon
as possible.
Now, pages going blank are more rare (but still happens
sometimes) but tab freezing and crashing have become rather common
and, as I said, sending tabs to other devices take hours so I
rarely use it.
FF and Chrome dropped their HTML inspecting tools. Chrome and
Opera can at least still view-source: of an URL. As a
small web developer, it is great to check out other people HTML
This is why I am trying new mobile browser and all of them
There is Opera, which I found to be really fast, sleek and with
somewhat an older design that I am used to. Opera 62 did not turn
to the Tabbing Madhouses of Firefox 87 and Chrome 89, yet.
I don’t like the multiple tabs view of neither FF nor Chrome,
because those 3D layouts confuse me. Currently, I use some old
glasses and I haven’t got the sharpest vision.
Opera multiple tab view is 2D, scrolls horizontally and pretty
much straight forwards. Chrome multiple tabs view is 3D and scrolls
vertically, whereas FF has got an alternative 2D layout but has
double columns and scrolls vertically, too. FF and Chrome layouts
get really confusing because sometimes there are 30 or more open
tabs and I am never sure where all the tabs are..
Chrome has gone one step further and enabled a Open Tab in
Group function, which predated the Open in New Tab,
which I use a lot. Fortunately, there is
a way to disable this new functionality and just open links in new
Recently, with all three browsers open, doing some research
using Android multitasking feature which splits the screen in two,
I could not find my tab with important text I was studying.. That
really blew away my focusing, which in a mobile operating system is
much limited, and I had to quit research a couple of times, lost in
the middle of a train of thought. Later I discovered that Android
multitasking and window overview may not show Firefox window!
I am not sure if that is FF mobile dev team who is screwing the
code up or Android code is kind of meant to fuck with other web
browser competitors..
I cannot use Opera only because of my FF and Chrome key rings,
but I am trying to use it more often (it is already my defaults
browser on Android). Also, multitasking on Android requires using
more than one web browser, even though Chrome can open tabs in new
Windows, FF and Opera generally cannot.
Sometimes I think of just giving up and using Chrome on Android.
Sometimes that is the only web browser that will work..
Opera is not a saint and it collects plenty telemetry,
so it is not better than FF in that respect, at least.
Another mobile web browser I will be checking out is
#36 - Firefox on NVIDIA Graphics
Using the NVIDIA driver in Linux is quite difficult and it is
not so straightforward because it varies depending on what
application needs it. Mining Monero was not too difficult but the
XMR miner used CUDA and that is another story.
Configuring Firefox to use NVIDIA may be overwhelming
option-wise because there are so many unstable outcomes when
setting these experimental or unstable options.
NVDIA-related Drivers
Below is a listing of my NVIDIA-related packages on Arch.
Packages with * are probably required for this to work,
other packages are currently installed but may not be strictly
Most packages can be easily installed from the official repos,
however others may be further configured to use.
For example, bumblebee
manual (beware this is not compatible with
other methods for using NVIDIA), requires the user to be in the
blumblebee group with # gpasswd -a user
bumblebee and enabling/starting the service #
systemctl enable bumblebeed.service.
bbswitch will work well with bulblebee
in switching the card ON and OFF when required, instead of leaving
it ON.
That is possible to check if the card state with some commands.
Make sure to reboot after installing and configuring
these driver packages so far.
% nvidia-smi
% cat /proc/acpi/bbswitch
0000:01:00.0 ON
% watch -d -t -n1 'cat /proc/acpi/bbswitch'
0000:01:00.0 ON [..PAGED..]
# tee /proc/acpi/bbswitch <<<OFF
# tee /proc/acpi/bbswitch <<<ON
Firefox Configuration
With those set, there are two important configurations to be
done in Firefox Stable's about:config. The following was
taken from Arch Wiki's Firefox#Tweaks
and Firefox#Talk.
In about:config, you may want to set one
configuration at a time and test:
My current Firefox can run stably and smoothly (under XFCE and
Picom) with only layers.acceleration.force-enabled
set, as force enabling the webrender makes my Firefox very buggy
and unstable..
Alternative (or additionally, you will need testing) to messing
with about:config options, Mozilla Firefox can read
various environment variables as options.
Below these variables are presented with verbose commentary. You
can find more code commentary in my shell script launcher.
#This content should be clarified
#To enable WebRender on Firefox Stable:
export MOZ_ACCELERATED=1 #same as:`layers.acceleration.force-enabled = true'
#export MOZ_WEBRENDER=1 #same as: `gfx.webrender.all = true'
#Enable OpenGL in `pvkrun' and `primusrun'
#export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/
#`layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled' became on by defaults.
#Do *not* set if using NVIDIA `primusrun'
export MOZ_USE_OMTC=1
Remember to export your environment
As I said, you may need to try various combinations of options
until Firefox is running smoothly, without artifacts, visible
button icons and legible menu entries..
Performance test: optirun, primusrun
and pvkrun
That is probably a good idea to test which package will run
faster. Check performance running either glxgears
-info, glxspheres64 or
glxspheres32 (the latter for 32 bit systems) from
package mesa-demos.
optirun [demo]
optirun -b primus [demo]
primusrun [demo]
pvkrun [demo]
I prefer to run glxspheres64 because it prints the
frame rate and buffer size. primusrun and
pvkrun used to work a little better than
optirun in the past for me, but as those are not
working now I am using optirun..
Checking results
Current configuration can be checked at about:support.
Follow instructions from Firefox#Tweaks
to check if options are enabled. You can also type
CTR+F and search for `Intel' to check whether
Intel integrated graphics or `Nvidia' driver is being used
as renderer.
Alternatively, some information can be retrieved from test this
It is a little time consuming until you get yoru configuration
working properly and maybe your system cannot support all features,
but they will eventually come the official way and your driver may
finally be white-listed for performance improvements by
As for now, I find it best to launch Firefox with a shell
script. My Firefox launcher in XFCE dock and keyboard shortcut
in .xbindkeysrc also points to the script.
Google Analytics is such naughty software. I can't bear it
Some of the things that annoy me are the data presentation
interface, which makes heavy use of java (I suppose and I don't
much care). That is extremely slow to load and process the
The interface is not very responsive when it is fully loaded,
either. It has got a lot of options but most of them don't make a
whole lot of sense to me.
It is clear GA does not show the raw data
and try to make some specifics obscure. As my website has got
little traffic, I can see how badly GA tries to hide me the little
data there actually was collected from users!
The CSV spreadsheets
are terrible, IMHO.
That is a sure thing GA first collects a whole lot of data from
my visitors and only after processing that it shows me some of it
in whatever representations GA thinks is better for their
webmasters `useds'.
Plus, its interface is very slow to load because it collects
data from we, webmasters, as well! There is no limit for whatever
garbage data they collect... If GA would only show me what GA
Once I tried a service called matomo, but was wary soon
after reading its terms of use. And mind that the only statistics
it showed me was a hit counter...
If anyone knows of a clean, simpler and better
service, please let me know.
Whatever a simple webmaster wants from simple statistics..
I will remove GA scripts from my webpage in the following days.
I am still deciding what method (sed -i or perl -pie) and regular
expression to use, or whether manually...
As for now, you can check webpage sources, press [CTRL+U] in
Firefox or Chrome.
Besides adding GA to the <FOOTER> section of webpages (as
opposed to Google recommendation to adding it to the <HEADER>
section), I know uBlock can block GA scripts (at least
partially) from loading.. GA scripts should not be one of the first
things to load in the webpage or at all..
More two bad factors in using these analytics: a) I don't know
how many of these `unique' users are not actually myself
as I did not set filters to prevent that and b) there were at least
three days with intense robot crawlings from various parts of the
world. So I reckon most of the data available to me may be garbage
at this point.
Google Analytics Data
So, before I just forget about GA, I am downlaoding some of
their CSV files. Available data is about the same as that shown to
me in GA web console.
In the next table, that is the full data about Location
of visitors since my website started using GA about 7 months ago,
which is what mostly I wanted to know after the total hit
This data appears to have robot attacks filtered out, so I will
assume these are reasonable numbers.
Table 1. Google Analytics sumamry data for the period from
01 Sep 2020 to 08 Apr 2021.
New Users
United States
United Kingdom
(not set)
If reasonably correct with due reservations, I am quite pleased
with the reach of my website for this period.
But as Rob Willians from Ratz
would say, who cares about page views [in a personal
Besides GA not collecting data from me and my visitors, pages
should load faster.
I removed GA from HTML templates for the blog and podcast,
recreated all blog pages and opted by purging the other few HTML
files (about 13) manually, so I would not lose vim
Github history (objects) of this website repo will also be
Vaccine Frustration
Mum got vaccinated when her age group was eligible on
Today, Wednesday, I tried to bring my aunt, who lives in a close
city to my town, to vaccination because her age group would have
become eligible.
However, as I had last asked about vaccination on Monday and did
not confirm the schedule on Tuesday (yesterday), it was only too
late when we arrived at the vaccination center and discovered it
had been suspended the previous day..
Even though my aunt really does not live at town, she was born
here and always lived at the area. As mum could prove her home is
located at town, it all should be OK fr my aunt to have the
vaccine, too..
I take the blame for not phoning up the vaccination centre
yesterday or even this morning before taking the highway trip.
Politics is terrible in my country. That is mad to turn on the
TV or the radio. Pandemics, vaccination and death are the main
topics. The president is against lock down and restrictive
measures. He confuses everybody! Occasionally some weird news about
the president attending unimportant events..
For example, the president does not say pessoas (persons, citizens) cleanly but also mouths
pensões (pensions) when talking about
the pandemics..
I wonder what he is really at.
Relative numbers about the pandemics and vaccination mark Brazil
in bad positions internationally. I see the USA has got too many
vaccines in comparison to the rest of the world in absolute
numbers. That is not OK, either..
This is a somewhat stressful and frustrating day.. I am having
some beer..
PS: even though I removed all GA scripts from
my webpages two days ago, today I was checking GA console and
another bot attack was recorded yesterday (9 Apr), which I reckon
is not possible..
May that be Google injects weyrd numbers itself to
confuse and obfuscate real data? It may be possible. I am glad
about not using GA anymore..
But that is also possible this last bot attack at least was
performed on a
copy of my old website.. Cannot discard this possibility.
PPS: Robots are really crazy, at least I feel
like something does like my blog.. Once some good YouTube
bots left comments. After I mistreated their comments (removed
them), they gradually stopped commenting, so I am reasonably sure
those were good YouTube bots..
Fig 1. Screenshot of Google Analytics overview console.
Click on the image to see screenshot at original size.
#34 - Bitcoin Graph Watch
Produzi este gráfico com os índices da BLX e marcações de pontos
de resistência de várias fontes. Penso em vender um pouco do meu
hodl quando for a hora pois viso a diversificação de bens
(eqüidade) líqüidos, como ações, títulos e cash.
Warning: this is not a financial recommendation. Please
Yellow bars are clones from the 2014 peak and red bars are from
the 2017 peak. I aligned the previous peak of each of these points
(2011 and 2014, respectively) to the BLX index candlestick
Horizontal lines I reckon I got from some issue of Bloomber
Crypto. That is actually a very good and dependable
resource. Bloomberg is always clear when sharing their data
analysis of Bitcoin.
I also set Bollinger Bands, as reccomended by
Aguiar from DojiStar, a Brazilian analyst.
The green support line is a long-term trend line with the first
point on September 2015 and the bottom of March 2020.
I reckon we go up from here and I plan to start selling close to
or at Max Keiser
prediction of 220K Bitcoin this year.
Just selling a portion of my hodl so I can further reinvest in
other liquid assets such as stocks, bonds and
cash. I am very interested about diversification of my
equity, as Ugly Old Goat would say.
This year, I started thinking about my retirement because it
will take a long time to prepare for that, so better if I start
doing something for it ASAP. There are some great videos of
Tyler Jenks on
retirement which I will be watching again..
There is also a great investor in Brazil who teaches a lot about
a retirement wallets, the great Luiz
Fig. 1 BLX index
graph with marking I made some weeks ago, horizontal lines were
extracted from march 2021 Bloomberg Crypto Outlook.Fig 2. Bloomberg Banner, April 2021 issue.
#33 - Podcast #6 - More Tor Configs for
Bitcoin Node and SSH
Comentando sobre mais algumas configurações que fiz depois de
gravar o último podcast sobre bitcoind. Pretendemos
dominar as configurações necessárias para poder retransmitir dados
para as redes clearnet e
onion do bitcoin.
Também falo sobre uma experiência curta colhendo soja em uma
empresa privada, montando um servidorzinho em casa, usar acesso SSH
em casa e mais.
Main Topic - More Tor, Router and Bitcoind Configuration
There are some more important tweaks to improve connectivity of
bitcoind that I did not talk about in the last
audiocast episode. That is because I learned more stuff after that
recording which I reckon is worth telling my audiocast listeners
and subscribers on
I will go through some more configs and comment on them.
Basically, we want to build a node which can help synchronisation
between clearnet and onion networks.
Also, some more configs are needed to make your IPv4 and IPv6
addresses available to other nodes, so they can connect to your
node. When properly configured, the node can
listen to requests and listen to
inbound connections to rebroadcast mempool
transactions, transaction index, blocks, IP and Onion addresses,
and so on..
Personally, I use my bitcoin node for retrieving some
transaction info and mempool info. I don't use that software as a
wallet and my node does not do mining (obviously).
Ultimately, we will make our node available only at the onioin
network and keep it synchronised. If there is a need to broadcast
own transactions or to help the networks, it is easy to change
configs and start listening to other nodes instead of just
receiving data.
It is up to the user to choose what configs to set in order to
run the node the way he wishes. My public dotfiles have got all
options set to run on IPv4, IPv6 and Onion networks.
Secondary Topics
Father got his first vaccine shot
My short experience manually harvesting soy for a private
My cheap sweep transactions are still in the mempool
after three weeks..
Setting up a small server at home
Fun with OpenSSH and Linux system management
Check my config files with the options described in the
audiocast: bitcoin.conf
and torrc
Tone Vays
on the Mempool (Andreas Antonopoulos videos on mempool are more
technical but Tone's takes on the mempool in this video, not his
guest, are really interesting, too)
During the podcast, I messed up inbound and
outbound connection names.. Outbound
connections are connections your node initiates whereas
inbound connections are initiated by other nodes
when connecting to yours.
PS: Following Tone's advice of using fees no
lower than 5 sat/vB, I set my sweep transaction fees to 6.1 and 6.2
sat/vB and within 24 hours they were included in the blockchain
during the weekend! Finally, those sweeps are done.. Remember, I
have been trying to sweep these wallets with very low fees for
almost 4 weeks now..
#32 - First Vaccine Shot
Levei meu pai para tomar a primeira dose de vacina na minha
cidade. Também pegamos uma bula da vacina, a Coronavac do
Finally, the age group of my father was eligible to take a
vaccine shot against Covid. Here in Brazil, most vaccines are from
Institute. This is a good vaccine, not so powerful as Pfizer's
and others but should be the safest of all. This vaccine is made
with old and fully-tested technology.
Father was rather anxious about this shot. He doesn't really
live in the same town as I do but vaccines for his age group got
here earlier so we arranged for him to get his shot here.
That was a fun day. We were just a little worried he would be
unable to get the shot but all went well.
Father asked the nurse for a medicine leaflet of then Coronavac
vaccine and she gave it to him. I took a photo of it.
Fig. 1 Waiting in the queue (number was 29), taking the shot and
the vaccine leaflet.
#31 - Arrgh! Internet Issues
Estava um pouco preocupado que minha brincadeira de configurar
uma conexão com a rede do bitcoin pudesse ter atraído olhares de
pares ruins, mas nada disso.
Os problemas de internet que tenho sofrendo há duas semanas
foram finalmente esclarecidos hoje quando um técnico do provedor de
serviço de internet veio até minha casa. Não achou nada anormal com
meu router. Falou que outro vizinho estava com o mesmo problema e
que eles então iriam fazer manutenção em uma central do meu bairro.
Mas os problemas ainda não acabaram..
The internet service provider technician came to my home and
checked my local connection and the modem and that was all
There was a huge problem going on with the neighbourhood
internet for the past two weeks and only today I was let
know about that!
The problemas were a very slow internet connection, specially
bas was the upload transmission, and pinging from
Linux Shell or even from the router itself (through the tools
page), showed a 30% or more packet loss!
I was a little worried when the technician asked to use my
laptop to test internet speed and to log in to the router. Maybe he
would start typing speedtest for example, and
Firefox would suggest him naughty websites starting with
suck.. and alike. I don't know why these sort of
suggestions pop up sometimes but I told the guy to ignore anything
unusual in my computer..
After the guy finished checking the router, he said they would
work on hardware maintenance in my area as another neighbour client
of mine was having similar issues and noise was detected by another
technician guy in one of their distribution equipment about my
I was a little preoccupied my messing with
opening ports and granting access from bitcoin network had
attracted attention from bad peers but, alas, that seems to have
been just a regular a problem of the internet provider..
The technician did reconfigure my router so now it has got a new
SSID and
password. The administration login name and its password to access
router settings, such as opening ports, also changed and these were
not given to me and I forgot to ask. Even though internet speed is
nominal now, I had to schedule another technical visit for
tomorrow.. Hopefully that will be the last for a long time!
There is some work left to be done so I am not yet adding any
links to it from other pages, but eventually there will be more
hints to find it.
Finally, internet is super fast and with the router
administrator details in hand port forwarding could be enabled!
Table 1. Ssample of bitcoind connections.
That is the output from bitcoin-cli
Software version
Connection type
Fig. 1 Running bitcoind on
clearnet and onion networks with inbound and
outbound connections on IPv4 and IPv6. Most onion peers are running
an inferior bitcoind versions (Tor v3 vs. v2
incompatibility) so it may be a
few days before inbound connections are made with onion
#30 - Podcast #5 - Running a Bitcoin
Full Node with Tor
Notas gerais e dicas de montagem de um nó de retransmissão
completo que também se conecta à rede Tor. Outros
assuntos incluem algumas observações sobre navegadores de internet
para o desktop e para o
celular, como o Firefox, Chrome e Opera.
Main topic - Bitcoin Full-relay Node
During my hodling, I did various transfers from bitcoin
exchanges to private wallets, some of which are legacy
That is not a bad idea to have some bitcoins (satoshis, that is)
in legacy wallets because some services, for example some bitcoin
exchanges, still do not work with segwit addresses..
However, as on-chain transactions are getting expensive
(Electrum suggests 8-30 sat/vB or more) to be added to a block
quickly, I imagine that will be a heavy fee for hodlers to
pay in the future, specially when the network is congested.. So I
decided to sweep legacy wallets to segwit wallets, as
advised by Andreas Antonopoulos.
In order to broadcast cheap transactions (1-4 sat/virtualByte)
to the bitcoin network, I needed to use my full node. I already had
all the block and txindex synchronised but I had only tentatively
set the defaults 8333 port for outbound connections,
which characterises a full-relay node.
Not only that. To prevent one's IP from publicity in the bitcoin
network, there is the Tor hidden service which can
be activated. The Tor layer prevents most identification problems
associated with broadcasting one own transactions and and IP+ports
of a full-relay node with a technology named security by
Andreas Antonopoulos said those are not much of a problem
because one cannot be sure a transaction was originated from a
certain node or whether that node relayed them from another node or
from the onion network, although there are means someone can use to
identify users even under Tor (such as
fingerprinting techniques).
I sincerely reckon my little node is not worth the trouble from
these hackers.. I am setting up a slow-update Manjaro
Linux system which does not come with open ports by defaults
(sometimes, I run my node from an Arch Linux machine,
too). A Linux system is much more secure than running a
node in Windows which contain much exploitable code and is
probably infested with virus and other malicious software..
a Tor hidden service is a little hurdle for someone
who never set up it before but after all that is not too hard with
Bitcoin version 0.21, specially.
I added the following to /etc/tor/torrc:
ControlPort 9051, CookieAuthentication 1,
CookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1 and
DataDirectoryGroupReadable 1. Check this
help page.
Bitcoin version 0.21release adds
support for Tor version 3 hidden services, and gossiping them
over the network to other peers using BIP155. Version 2 hidden
services are still fully supported by Bitcoin Core, but the Tor
network will start deprecating them in the coming months.
I will leave some generic config which works for me
(bitcoin.conf and /etc/tor/torrc) at
my github
repo. In these files, there are general commentary and
references for some config options, as well as setting up a
hardware client in the router..
A combination of settings may set the node to work dual-stack in
clearnet (IPv4 and IPv6) andonion networks, which is a very important network
synchronisation role which few nodes partake..
The following steps are required:
Install bitcoind (so-called bitcoin core)
and fully sync the blockchain, transaction index etc..
Configure router to redirect traffic from port
8333 to your machine. This requires setting one's machine
MAC address in the router client list and then forwarding
of port 8333 to the client.
Setting bitcoin.conf and .torrc configs.
Running tor daemon with the right configs
bitcoind fully synched and properly
Be sure your router has got active firewall or/and install a
operating system firewall such as ufw.
In some cases, installing a firewall in Linux may not be required,
Running a node does cost money: hardware, electricity and
internet bandwidth. However a full node can run on cheap computers,
such as Casa nodes
with Raspberry Pi 4, bandwidth may be problem.
bitcoind option maxconnections
controls the maximum number of inbound+outbound connections. 10
slots of are reserved for inbound connections and
further connections are outbound slots in a
maximum of 125 connections by defaults.
Nominally, my contracted speeds are 120 Mbit/s download
and 10 Mbit/s upload, However, my connection seems slow
and unstable these past few days.. I use to check connection speed
with speedtest.
Indeed, I just phoned up my internet provider and internet of
home area is under general maintenance. That may explain why I was
having horrible internet connection these days and that may not be
related to running bitcoind. It does seem my home
internet has got a slowdown, so I am checking that with the
However, a note is relevant. If one has got slow internet
connection, he may choose to set maxconnections and/or
maxuploadtarget to reasonable values.
Someone may check IP addresses of network peers
(bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo) against updated geolocation
tables to have an idea where other connecting peer nodes are.
Comments on web browsers for desktops and mobile: Firefox,
Chrome or Opera? Firefox is a great choice for desktop however both
Firefox and Chrome suck on my Android and only Opera seems usable
to me..
PS: internet connection problems arose at my
house in the last week or so and therefore the podcast episode was
uploaded earlier on YouTube than on my blog github repo.. I only
was able to upload the podcast episode #5 (~77MB) using a
university access point I have got access.
PPS: the original recording of this episode
(m4a) got truncated (Input buffer exhausted before END element
found). Maybe I forgot to press the END button or the recorder
and just pressed PAUSE and closed the app.. I was able to check
that with ffprobe which comes bundled with
ffmpeg. So I recoded the stream to a new m4a audio
file, which should play correctly on all devices now.. Sorry if
your podcast has got the original copy instead of the recoded
#29 - Sweeping Bitcoin Wallets and Low
Precisando fazer umas operações de varredura (sweeps) em umas carteiras e endereços antigos, achei
alguns detalhes sobre o processo de transmissão das transação para
os mempools através do meu nodo completo que
compartilho aqui.
There are some legacy bitcoin keys which produce vanity
addresses, such as 1Bio* made with vanitygen
and some legacy wallets made with Electrum which
needed to be swept to segwit addresses as transaction fees are
doomed to get very high on the main chain as time goes on.
Some time ago, Adreas Antonopoulos said in one of his lectures
the best way to do that is to sweep the old wallets. Moving
utxos to a single address will reduce the size of the
following transactions but sweeping may generate a large
transaction (in bytes) because it can contain various unspent
outputs. That is why it is a good idea to do sweeps leisurely,
with time at hand and aiming for low fees..
I can sync my full node that lives in a USB hard drive with the
network. I have got the bitcoind inbound port open to
get other nodes to sync with me (including the mempool). I
just don't mine nor use bitcoind with my wallets
because I rather prefer Electrum to manage them.
I have been trying to set sweeps with small transaction fees,
such as 1-6 satoshi/Byte.
Notes on broadcasting transactions from my full node
As many of the readers may be aware, most Electrum
mempools will not accept transactions with very low fees and their
threshold is much higher than the minimum of 1sat/B as the default
relay (broadcasting) fee.
What the reader may not be aware of is about the minimum
mempool fee: The amount of system memory allocated for
unconfirmed transactions is defined with the option
maxmempool. maxmempool defaults to 300MB
of RAM. Once the maxmempool-memory is fully used, the lowest-fee
transactions are dropped from the nodes mempool and
mempoolminfee is increased to reject lower-fee
transactions (by 0xB10C).
Transactions may be dropped from the mempool just a few minutes
after they are added or until 336 hours (two weeks) or after even
Andreas Antonopoulos said he can get most of his
transactions through with 1sat/B fee, so I reckon he keeps
broadcasting his transactions through his own node until they are
taken in a block or he gives up.
Andreas said that even though transactions marked with the flag
Replaceable By Fee (RBF) are less dependable than
non-flagged transactions, all of his transactions are marked as
RBF. It should not really make much of a difference but if a
transaction is not marked as RBF, bitcoind will not
just double-spend the same utxo while the old transaction
is in your local mempool and will throw out a broadcasting error,
whereas RBF transactions are promptly double-spent and the older
transaction (conflicting transaction) is removed from the local
mempool by bitcoind.
also remarked that RBF transactions may be
replaced by the sender, while Child Pays For
Parent (CPFP) transactions are made by the
I decided to use Electrum to make and sign the
sweep transactions and then broadcast them through my own node.
The first time I messed with those sweep transactions,
broadcasting a bunch of to my local mempool and soon
blockcypher could detect them in various other mempools,
After less than 24 hours, no transaction could be found in other
mempools by blockcypher, but they still persisted at my
local mempool.
After restarting bitcoind-daemon, those old
transactions were rebroadcasted from my local node and could be
detected by blockcypher again. So if you don't want to
rebroadcast old transactions accidentally, be sure to remove
mempool.dat before bitcoind starts or
setting option persistmempool=0. File
mempool.dat is created by dumping mempool data from
RAM when bitcoind exits..
To keep rebroadcasting your own transactions, be sure to set a
large enough value for maxmempool size so your
transactions are not outside mempoolminfee range.
I will keep trying some more experimentations with low
transaction fees and broadcasting them from my own node to see how
many, if any at all, will be confirmed in the following few days..
So far, only one transaction with feed ~6sat/B got to the
blockchain, but that is higher than I want to pay for the other
Tip: if you are using the clipboard and dealing
with private keys, beware not to paste one of them in a
block explorer as I did.. Ideally, don't connect your computer to
the internet while dealing with private keys. This avoids many
I have been thinking since I quit my experience job at that
marvellous private company and finally came to tentatively putting
the issue to rest.
After talking to an older dear friend who is currently at the
3rd year of agronomic engineering and manages
some of his family countryside properties, he told me I probably
got dehydrated and felt bad because of that!
Had I understood why I felt so bad during harvest, I could have
arranged for better preparation for the following day.
That is unfortunate I did not have the experience or a clear
mind nor someone who could had given me tips on the issue that
night while I was trying to think hard what had happened and
whether it was better to quit (which is what happened!)..
What really happened to my body
One of the older technicians asked me whether I were anxious at
lunch time. I reckon anxiety was mainly for: new experience,
smoking even less, all other workers were, for one reason or
another, different than me and I could not relate more than
strictly necessary.
At some point, I was sure there was not enough water for
everybody to drink freely, so I took the care to
drink less often. Some time after, my supervisor talking to another
worker said drinking too much water dehydrates the body because
one pees more. That is not true at all, however it is close
enough to truth to be funny. Water is a strong
diuretic because one pees the more one drinks it,
however one will only (perhaps) get more dehydrated than not in
case of salt imbalance (too much salt being excreted) because of
water excess, but I am not sure overall that would be worse than
drinking too little water in the same period of time..
Insolation/Heat Stroke
I did use less than adequate sun screen was not using shades
over my eyes, but I was heavily protected by a sun protection hat,
gloves, long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and boots.. Heat was intense. I
am sure I got a mild to moderate case of heat stroke at some point
because I was confused for the rest of the day and part of the
following day..
Noise/Vibration Distraught
I was not using the ear protection because I had forgotten it
back at the hotel and I did not borrow it from someone on the field
because I did not think it would be too bad for just one day. Guess
I was wrong about that!
Aggravating factors
Still a smoker, although smoking less than before
Sedentary lifestyle, 4 years smoking heavily at the computer
will require more than a few weeks of irregular walking to
What should I have done?
Take a large 5-litre water bottle with me to
that trip and to countryside fields so I could drink water
Used the ear protection against noise
Used the protection shades over normal glasses
(which was at the hotel that day)
Used more sun screen
Worked slower and told my supervisor I could
only work so fast
A couple of tips from a friend who lives in
countryside and know it from old farm workers:
freeze a PET bottle filled with water and carry
that frozen PET the next day close to your body. You can also apply
the PET with ice on your neck and face at rest times. At about
midday, enough water must have melt and you can drink that cold
water, then. Also, use a large straw
hat and sun screen instead of that Chapéu árabe, which prevents air flow around
the neck and head. Thanks, Bozelli!
I actually did reckon my sedentary lifestyle
and smoking habits would take their toll on my heart if I worked
too hard, even though now I reckon I was just
confused and overtought it all..
One point which I am proud of is that I did not drink beer or
any kind of alcohol during the work trip, whereas other workers all
drank at night during the 3 days we spent together..
Fig. 1 Chapéu árabe
(left), which is an Individual Protection Equipment to avoid heat
strokes. Cloth layers around the neck may avoid some heat
dissipation. Straw hat (right) protects against the sun
and allows wind to blow on your face
#27 - Quick Notes on the First Job
External Trip
Notas rápidas dos primeiros dias de uma viagem a trabalho em que
deveria ser feita a colheita manual de várias plantações
I was set for a team of external trip about 300Km from
the company headquarters. We would manually harvest a big area with
many different soy technologies, as the company is focused on
genetically engineering strains and will need collect all sorts of
information from the soy beans to advance their research further. I
should not be very specific about anything because of contractual
terms, but will talk broadly because anyone minimally working in
this agricultural field will know about these and other routine
I was happy to do some hard work as the human resources
woman had told me it would be.
I was not wrong when we started pulling the
plants and I said jokingly that seemed to be the easiest
The hard part was carrying all those plants back to the truck
and handing them over to the truck boys, so a machinery would
process and have the material labeled.
As I was the eldest novice, they would give me a little more
hard work and, of course, I wanted to do all the hard working I
could so not to leave a bad image..
I had some terrible shortness of breathe, even thought about the
possibility of passing out but kept working hard, sometimes I would
just sit down on some straw material and catch my breath for a
couple of minutes. That worked but I had to do it constantly, and
resting 10 minutes was enough to feel comfortable even under the
I actually was working close to the machinery without the ear
protection (I had forgotten it back in the hotel!), so the noise
must have gotten into my brain.
But also, as I was using a tight mask to avoid
breathing dust and particles, coming from an extremely sedentary
period of my life and still a smoker (although I am working on
reducing and quitting it!), my body obviously would not handle 3 or
4 days of such a hard work.
I sincerely thought I was a little more physically fit than I
actually am right now..
At the end of day, we were together talking and having some fun
at the hotel and after everyone went to their quarters, I knocked
on my supervisor door and told him to end the experience.
In retrospective, I think I should have tried at least one more
day without telling my supervisor anything and taking any decision,
or should have warned him that I could only work so much instead of
asking for the end of the experience period. It was a rather
drastic decision and I was too nervous to think with due care and
diligence but, then, maybe my performance could become
shameful as time would wear on my strength..
I was devastated to leave them without my effort. I arranged to
work until lunch time the next day so they would still get some
(small) help from me. My supervisor took good care of me and drove
me all the way back (unfortunately, I could not simply take a bus
back with my own money, which I did insist on many times).. He told
and explained many precious things to me during the trip back, for
which I am so grateful.
So I am not sure what will happen next. In the worst case
scenario, the company will end the contract in the next few days.
In the best case, it will assign me a different kind of work which
I am able to perform until the contract expires in about 3
Don't get me wrong. I liked to work there. I observed everyone
and everything. Perhaps I haven't got an elephant memory but did
learn a lot. I find their work really amazing and have got the
greatest of respect for it. It will eventually generate soy which
is cheaper, more productive and efficient for the farmer, and also
more nutritious (more protein), cheaper and of higher quality for
the end consumer.
After thinking about it over, such a common expression in this
field genetics and plant improvement is really just genetics
improvement because you can not teach a plant how to use less
water, for example. I reckon any distinction is not really
necessary unless to (maybe) consider epigenetics
PS: the company decided to end my experience
contract due to the fact my supervisor could not find another
department with a vacancy for me. Human resources
woman was nice and said something like maybe it will work out
better next time/chance!..
PPS: Here is an excellent video sample
they sent to the harvest WhatsApp group on the second night.. After
this, the younger agronomists became more talkative about women,
dates, sex, massage houses and the sort.. Enjoy the best of
countryside girls!
#26 - New Job
Falando um pouco do meu novo emprego em uma empresa de
Organismos Geneticamente Modificados. Também,
penso sobre a oportunidade de experiência deste emprego mas
principalmente no meu futuro profissional..
Over one month ago, I distributed curriculum copies to some of
the largest companies nearby. Last week, I was contracted!
Today was the first day in my new job. There were long lectures
about what exactly we will be doing and work safety. The company
works with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO).
That is a temporary contract and I will be harvesting soybeans from
experimentation crop fields, which is a little more laborious and
requires more care than common harvesting, as the soybeans will be
further tested and interbred.
We shall be using heavy machinery (harvesters) and, as it has
been raining rather a lot in the last week, manual harvesting as
This is a great entry level job for agronomists students and
biologists involved with agriculture. A lot of heavy work. In fact,
the minimum and necessary education degree is high school.
I reckon I will be happy in the countryside for the duration of
the contract (3 months at most) and gaining experience, however I
am far from sure I want to keep working there in similar positions
for many years to come. Or worse yet, to becoming an
I was very anxious last weekend mulling over thoughts of working
in that company for the next 30 or 35 years until I get to retire,
so there is some comfort in that this job is but temporary.
Also, my dear friend, Bidia, told me that working an entire life
in a company is something of the past, nowadays most jobs last 4,
maximum of 5 years..
Table 1. Total profit calculation with
29 miles
Raw Salary
Food Coupon
Highway Toll
Total Profit
Even before receiving the job offer call last week, I had
started considering seriously about my career as a biologist. I
wrote en e-mail to an old technician fellow I met in 2008 when I
started graduation to ask for some tips. He is a doctor biologist
in limnology and was hired as a de factobiologist in university. Frossard used to work in
pisciculture as a limnologist and after that university branch
ended, he works more or less like a librarian who works with
fish instead of books in a zoology museum.
I wrote a very long e-mail and he wrote a long answer, which I
read from start to end at least 3 times so far. He has got an
incredible life history and I identified with many parts of it,
such as enjoying university campus as though it were an amusement
park and the fun of laboratory life..
There is something he told me that may help to decide what
profession or job you want for your life: think about what you
would have do in 10 years from now..
Not an easy task but hard thinking will eventually prove
fruitful. I already have got one idea for starters: a public
Thanks, dear Frossard!
Out of the dozen public contests I tried (most of which while I
was busy studying financial markets), there were some which deserve
Itaipú (a very big
hydroelectric energy supplier)
Instituto Águas e Terras
(public state division which oversees land and water affairs)
biology council (however bureaucratic, a very large
Temporary positions as teacher in higher education and
scientific institutes such as IFSC and UTFPR
There are some other public contests for which I am
IBAMA (public regulator of environment and biology
Funai (promotes indigenous people health and
and national parks.
Universities and research institutes, maybe not as a teacher
but biology technician.
With the exception of the biology council, which is 100% a
bureaucratic job, others mentioned above offer positions for people
to be more in the field. Working in a national park or university
seems specially appealing..
As my mum was a public employee and had some good bonuses before
going retired, a public position always seemed appealing for
Separando alguns tópicos para o podcast. Espero conseguir
separar mais tópicos que o necessário, escolher os melhores para
ver se conseguimos parar o podcast por volta dos 40min..
Tentarei gravar o podcast hoje ainda.. Depois faremos o
processamento de áudio pelo aplicativo Dolby On do
Android, criaremos o artwork para o feed (com
LibreOffice Impress ou Inkscape) e também para o YouTube com o
Some of the topics I am thinking about for this podcast
recording. I may skip some of the smaller topics as the podcast
should stop at around the 40min mark, hopefully.
I will try and record the podcast today. Then, need
processing the audio in an Android app named
Dolby On, generating artworks for the podcast feed (with
LibreOffice Impress or Inkscape) and for YouTube (with
Bitcoin roller-coaster ride, would Satoshi Nakamoto
move or sell his bitcoin when the price reaches 10M
Sending CVs through e-mail and personally to some local
Unfortunately, Soundcloud does not fetch episodes from
my custom XML feed so I am not available there..
The scripts to generate my blog pages, sitemaps and rss feeds
are rather complex at this point. I do not intend to update them
very much more, rather I want to stabilise them so I can add
content easily later. All processing is done using shell scripting
and some blobs written in C, such as tidy,
xmlstarlet and
The scripts take about 40 seconds to process all pages of my blog.
In order to make the scripts run a little faster, I could
optionally keep cached files for pre-processed content which did
not change.
Dave Shaw
history. This is such a fascinating story that could take a whole
episode to tell so maybe I will just comment about that this
Commentary on NASA's Perseverance rover descent and touchdown
on Mars, was watching via SpaceToday
YouTube channel (in Portuguese)
Political commentary on covid and vaccines of our local
Workout(less) update
After recording the podcast from a high cliff on the outskirts
of my city and contemplating such beautiful country scenery, I
reviewed the podcast recording and then watched some YouTube
When I finally decided to head back home and turned the engine
key, the battery was dead.
Mum's car has got an automatic start, therefore I cannot simply
pop the clutch to get it rolling.
Fortunately, the car has got insurance. I phoned up the
insurance service and asked for an engine start help. They said it
would take 75min for the help to reach me.
I waited patiently at the car watching some YouTube films. I
tried to start the engine a few times without success.
The car has a terrible software system. A list of bad
programming of this car model software is due. For example, when I
turn the keys, the radio goes on at the same time as all the lights
of the panel alongside the engine spark firing! Also, if I open and
then close the car door, the radio and all the panel lights will
light up for a moment like an init system is booting up.
If battery is low, the ONIX-model car
software does not route energy preferentially for the engine to
The insurance guy arose but we had a problem with the address I
had given the insurance lady on the phone previously, so I had to
update it by phone.
The new phone attendant was very talkative and demanded
confirmation of a lot of information and needed to talk to the
insurance guy who was already standing besides me.
The insurance woman on the phone was so suspicious and cautious
that she took a long time. In the meantime, raining came.
Raining got very strong, the insurance man got into his car and
I got into mine but all windows were open.
Finally, the insurance guy gave up talking to the insurance lady
on the phone and got wet into the rain trying to charge my car
I was able to pull up the windows but a lot of water got into
the car..
#24 - List of Science-Related
Uma lista rápida de algumas confissões que coletei na
Some quick list of confessions for reading and perhaps get some
inspiration.. I read some of them already and they are great!
If you need, get access through paywalls with Sci-Hub.
#23 - Banned from BSD Forums by Said
That is so difficult to be an intelectual!
I was checking out BSD forms because I like BSD and plan(ned) to
migrate to BSD someday, so I like to check that out sometimes and
see what are the troubles that affect that people..
Today I found a very intriguing thread called
Environmentalist, in which there is a pitiful
discussion about saving the environment by setting and
fine-tuning their BSD system power plan
I thought the BSD people were sort of alternative people who
would care to open their minds to other possibilities. and decided
to post a reply to that thread and see if I could shed some light
on these complex environmental questions. As it turned out, they
are just as inflexible as anyone else, I am afraid. I was banned
less than 30 minutes later by allegations of spamming!
I sent an appeal e-mail to and Unfortunately, I do not expect
to hear back from them.
The following is a copy of my original reply to that thread.
Hallo guys,
The Sun still warms. There are other forces in Nature which have
got a planetary effect. Keep in mind the insignificance of humans
in the bigger space scenery. Global forcings include, the Sun by
various means, its energy flux and magnetic field
strength. Actually, magnetic changes of the Sun fields seem to have
a greater effect on Earth than merely Sun's energy flux. Something
that is really worrisome is the influx of cosmic rays which are
really powerful when coming from out of solar system and are
mutagenic, for the worse and for the better, but mostly bad for
humans.. Also, The Sun will affect the oceans which are able to
have a global effect, too. Still, we can go to smaller scale and
point out that volcanoes can change global temperature (albeit for
maybe only a short period of time, say months or years).
Why do the forces above can change Earth climate? The Sun has
got many cycles, for example one magnetic cycle that lasts 11
years, others that last hundreds of years and others thousand of
years.. These cycles all overlap each other, so they are not so
easy to identify but possible. Only recently scientists have been
questioning what are the effects of the `Galactic Current Sheet',
which crosses Earth at about 12K or so years. That is
roughly about the same period of time Earth uses to flip
Other cycles affect Earth, for example the effects of
The Oceans have got their own cycles, too, some being
multidecadal cycles. For example, one Pacific Ocean cycle is 60
years long, so a human that is lucky enough to live a long life may
live through Pacific Ocean cycle once, surely less than 2 full
cycles at the luckiest possibility for human life experience..
There are also Geologic forces which will change Earth face very
quickly even in terms of human life time span. Se this article from
Dr. Peet, a great geologist from last century in NYT article:
England is known to being eaten by the ocean (erosion) while
primitive regions have a habit of throwing up new islands and some
to vanish.
Some parts of Scandiavia have lifted from .45 to .95 meters per
The Bavarian Alps have advanced closer to Munich at the rate of
a .30 to .91 meters in the course of 100 years.
In other parts of Germany church steeples which were formerly
not visible from certain points are beginning to rise above the
On the other hand, humans have got a very limited experience and
power over their surroundings. Whereas rain storms may have a
regional impact on the environment (albeit for only a short period
of time), humans can only impact local environment such as for
example: the city will affect its own environment and its immediate
surroundings but as soon as you go farther to country side, city
effects soon disappear. I have seem many people trying to
extrapolate the very limited power of humans to affect the whole
Earth but that is only wishful thinking, as we shall see.
I fear science has become banal. Every one now thinks they are
`environmentalists' without the burden to dig deep into Ecology
(mostly important perhaps: Island Ecology). They are still very
naive about biology and ignore how brutal it has been and still is
against human beings.
As Schrodinger warns us:
In the tribunal there sits by the side of the judges a
non-jurisprudent assessor- namely our own little self- which finds
it distasteful to pass for an automaton.
And also there is no boundary between the living and
non-living, meaning we are bound by the same physical laws that
govern the entire universe.
Where do you guys live? I saw a comment in this thread of
somebody saying:
We are at a point where most people have everything
they need
I will not give you a reference but surely you guys should open
your eyes to the fact most people in the World have got
terrible life conditions and fight against illness, poverty and
The biggest sustainability problem we have got
is Poverty. Get this one right.
Trabalhando com o código do site, melhorando por exemplo, o menu
de navegação da página principal do site, e também pensando em como
fazer para manter um gerador de distribuição de notícias em
In the past few days I have been working on my website layout
redesign of the main navigation bar. Finally, I am satisfied with
the results. The blog proper uses a navigation bar
from W3.CSS framework so I will just leave that as it is for
I have been sending a lot of curriculums for many private
companies and i got no answer back, except one saying I was removed
from their selection but would still be in the data bank for
another opportunity.. However, the e-mail was for a
3rd-party contractor which omitted the company's name I
applied for.. 😐
I am using my own shell solution to manage my blog and that is
working fine, although the code looks big at this point, but I am
only doing small modification for improvements as time goes by.
I got inspired by John Bokma'stumblelog scripts that generate an RSSandJSON feeds. A JSON feed is over
the top for me at this point, plus RSS feeds are well
adopted so I thought I would try and make my own RSS generator
script. There is plenty of code I was able to use from my shell script, plus I found this nice
Stack Overflow thread and decided to go with
xmlstarlet, even though it is not too difficult to
generate my sitemap.xml file with
shell and sed.
I am now trying to understand some more about XML in
I shall clone Richard Stallman RSS feed template,
including namespaces define in the XML document, but I will
try and avoid using <![[CDATA]]> arrays for
pasting HTML code under the item's description tag
as in Luke Smith RSS feed.
Although here is the catch, I will not paste unescaped
HTML code and will follow Arch RSS feed scheme.
Luckily, xmlstarlet can do that escaping for us!
Meaning that HTML code will be translated into HTML
entities, but that will generate parsing errors if I wrote
HTML entities in the raw blog post myself.. Need to think
more about this.. Just use <![[CDATA]]> arrays
as in Stallman's feed?
I reckon our RSS feed should stay compatible with
standards this way but of course it will comply better over time as
I adjust it..
I am just not sure if only a brief summary of the blog
article or the whole blog article should de added in the RSS
feed. Luke Smith does that sloppily because he cannot use all
HTML elements, just simple ones such as
<p> and <em> according to
this reference, so
lets see what sort of HTML he injects in his new feed..
Note: Luke has just changed his RSS feed and is using
<![[CDATA]]> now.. Indeed, he has been
redesigning his whole website
Fig 1. Just like my own RSS feed, Luke's feed is also
having some heavy design updates..
The <summary> tag is
reserved for the blog posting system, however the way that is
planned to be used is to optionally write a summary for
each article in a different language other than the post
itself (so content can reach a more different visitors that way,
even if partially).
That will not do for the RSS feed system, though.. If I
cannot include the full blog post content (with the exception of
graphics), then I will just head the post content and
add that to the RSS feed entry, OR,
grep the description metatag of each blog
article, which I need always fill manually (for Search Engines)
Hopefully, there will soon be an RSS feed
button in the blog homepage..
It seems that the right way to do this is to use
xmlstarlet and comply with its bidding. The following
quote made me realise this:
It comes down to this: XML is not a string. Don't treat
it as one. Don't use or create tools that treat XML as a string.
XML requires a parser - and all conforming parsers will do the
right thing in this situation.
In reality we should not be adding much more than a simple
description in the RSSdescription tag, you can
escape some HTML code but xmlstarlet will throw
some errors because of strings such as => in
URLs, which really should be encoded in the first place but
we are not so perfect..
Stallman bypasses that using <![[CDATA]]>
array and adding unescaped HTML code, such as URLs,
etc to it. Arch New feed translates HTML code tags to
HTML entities, which should be treated as proper HTML
code by the RSS parser when reading the
<![[CDATA]]> field (hopefully)..
Either we can go simple and use xmlstarlet help or
we can go nuclear the Stallman's way and use sed to
generate our RSS document.
There does not seem to be a single way of encoding data in
description in RSS 2.0 as explained in the last references
For simple descriptions with few and simple HTML tagging,
TrinitronX's answer at Stack Overflow suggests using
tidy and transform named entities to numeric entities
plus converting HTML to XHTML, which seems to work to
inject almost any HTML data in the
<description> element.. However, that will fail
if you have escaped HTML entities in you HTML codes.
Also, xmlstarlet does not care about
<![[CDATA]]> tags and will escape/convert all
HTML code to entities..
I was considering creating two channels in a
single RSS feed, one with just a description of each post
and another one with the full content of posts, which is generally
more useful.
Instead of using two channels, there is an alternative
using Atom namespaces but I don't see any major benefit plus I need
studying Atom more..
In case of Atom, you could even provide both in the
same feed: a content element for the full content, and a summary
element for the excerpt. (I guess other feed formats allows this,
I installed newsboat, available from
the official repos. After configuring it, that
seems a really cool cli news aggregator, I recommend it! I am also
testing QuiteRSS
(GUI, on reconsideration, it is a very impressive reader),
Thunderbird add-on evolution-rss
(very good!), Firefox add-on
Livemarks (rather simple), and
RSS Reader (for Android). They all behave in different
I added <link rel="alternate"
type="application/rss+xml" title="Biology Blog RSS"
href="rss.xml"> to the <header> of
index.html to reference the RSS Feed.
After a lot of trying, I decided to go the Stallman way and
release two feeds, the
Default RSS Feed which shall contain only short
descriptions of posts and the
Alternative RSS Feed which shall contain full content of
posts injected within <![[CDATA]]> arrays (and
is bigger in size).
Testing my feeds with newsboat and there seems that
some bad or complex HTML code in my posts may make
newsboat parser go nuts at times.
As RSS really stands for Really Simple
Syndication, and that is so easy to open the full content in a
proper (cli) web browser with newsboat and other
RSS feed readers, I have decided that the main feed will
contain short descriptions of blog post entries and there will be
an alternative feed for full content, for those who want it. But I
cannot guarantee your news reader will process the alternative feed
Even though delivering full content by defaults would seem the
most useful approach for the visitor, my posts do contain a lot of
HTML code and thus really are not supposed to be
parsed by the RSS feed reader.. For example, if I wrote
posts in markdown, that could easily be converted to
simple HTML, encoded appropriately and injected in the RSS
feed. When received, it would be parsed correctly by the RSS
feed reader.
Another factor involved is size. The short description feed is
more than 10 times smaller in size than the full-content feed
(16.28KB vs 171.15KB).
If you are subscribed to the main RSS feed already, hopefully
there may be some problems on your side when I do the switch. If
so, please remove and re-add my feeds.
Specially now that I am also setting proper guids(global identifiers)) to my feeds. Eventually, I will need
guids unrelated to my website address to make sure items
are unique for podcast items and permanent whenever I move from
website host (currently github)!
The feeds should be stable in a matter of few
days.. Sorry about any inconvenience while I get all that sorted
Note: if you decide to go exploring the
following links, make sure to retrieve older pages referenced from
them with the WayBack
Machine, as many of them have got their only surviving copy
available there
Luke Hutteman on
Java, .NET, J2EE, RSS and whatever else comes to mind...
Natural Log, however beware he has got some nasty ideas about
eugenics (which he calls Humanitarian eugenics 💀💀💀
~laughings~) I have seen other people with poor
understanding of biology and natural selection law as well,
including Luke
Smith. Be warned.
Uma lista e uma análise sobre as metas conquistadas (sem querer)
depois do mestrado e planos futuros.
I used to write end-of-year lists of what goals I met and the
ones I would pursue in the following year. It has been a long time
I have not written one of those.
After completing master's course from university in 2017, I was
completely lost. Since about 2006, when I was in high school in
Japan, I decided I wanted to graduate in biological sciences and in
a master's programme. I would then go back to Japan visit my
friends within 7 or 8 years. Graduation took longer than expected
and at one point I even thought I would not make it. Master's
course went well, did not take longer than expected but I am not
able to go back to Japan for a visit.
For a long time I run after these goals and never thought about
what I would do once I had reached them. I would like and
enjoy it very much to go back to Japan for a visit but I reckon I
need earn some good money first as I am getting older.
Other than a generic goal of getting a job with a signed work
card (carteira de trabalho
assinada), I have not got big dreams or expectations
anymore. You see, I went to Japan when I was young with my own
efforts to plan the whole trip, so I feel no need to travel the
world anymore. Instead, I learnt to like my country more and I wish
to stay close to my family, that is all I want right now.
So while I have not got bigger plans, I wish to write some stuff
down as an exercise. Maybe I can have a better idea and bigger
goals later on.
Goals reached after Master's graduation (unplanned)
Installed Arch Linux
Learned Shell scripting, Bash and Z-Shell
Put my paws on financial markets
Learned money management
Made some good investments
Goals for 2021
Not get infected with Covid virus
Catch up with Brazilian environmental law
Apply for public examinations and get successively better
Become a runner or at least do physical exercise routinely
Quit smoking tobacco
Quit drinking beer
Marijuana only occasionally
Lose 5-8 kilos
Enjoy mum and dad more
Do good money management
Be more patient and polite with people in general (empathy
I am fast, I work hard, I party hard and I drink hard.
--Ugly Old Goat
That just means I do things with a lot of passion and effort. I
ought add that I study hard, too, and that I am
trying to give up on bad habits acquired through hardship of
personal problems during university.
I wish all my readers a great 2021! Much Health for
#20 - Generating Graphs of Covid19
Positivity Rate
I have been making some charts with data from Johns Hopkins
University CSSE and Reuters News Agency to check how the number of
new cases, recovered and deaths are developing.
I update the charts almost everyday. You can check them at
my github
repo of covid19 graphs. Unfortunately, I only discussed my
opinion about them in one unrelated forum, needed to get those
references to put them in my blog sometime.
I have been very curious about another type of graphs, that of
positivity. As the amount of test number per day have been variable
since the pandemics start, I thought it would be helpful if we
could analyse the data taking out such a parameter from the
equation (in this case, graphs).
For one thing, we should not be keen to analyse the absolute
numbers, as there are so many diverging opinions, such as either
numbers are over or underestimated.. So they are not much good.
Let's check proportions! By the way, that is a tip from John McAfee, who is
currently in jail in Spain #freemcafee).
Experimental charts for Covid19 test positivity
How many percentage points of test results are positive to
Covid19? I could not find positivity charts around with long time
series, so I decided to make some charts with Brazilian data. Below
is my try for charting data from Paraná State reports.
Fig 1. Positivity graph from data of the state of
Paraná. Y-axis for positivity percentage of total tests analysed,
X-axis relative date. That is one state with the lowest positivity
rate amongst all I could see with this analysis. Data ranges
between 03/feb/2020 and 06/dec/2020. Fig 2. Same as fig. 1, but we see absolute dates in
X-axis. I am not sure how to configure
gnuplot to show fewer x-ticks and make them more
readable, so that is why it is so wide..
Analysing positivity rate is independent on test capacity,
meaning it does not matter if there is more testing now than at the
pandemics start. Everything can be levelled.
I got the data from SUS
OpenData That is not the cleanest data. I extract values for
Positive cases and Negative cases with some
After download the csv files, you can check the header line
which contains the column keys:
The following shell function was used to calculate positivity.
The shell will loop through all csv files given and group results
by date.
Some awk conditionals will test values from columns
$12 and $30, and will decide if that will be counted as a positive
case, a negative case or be ignored. There is no guarantee this
analysis is sufficient.
You can check the script with some functions to process the data
at my sub repo
for covid test positivity studies.
The last step is to generate graphs with gnuplot. I
am having some difficulty with the x-ticks dates because
gnuplot only accepts numbers by defaults.. May as it
be, bear in mind the data start from about February and ends on
24th December.
Well, I have been avoiding interpreting Sars-2-Covid data too
hastily, as I am learning a lot in this pandemics from a scientific
perspective myself..
But the whole point of making these graphs was to try and see if
we could get a reading in which gross number of covid tests applied
would not be a variable in time analysis.
My experimentation is very rudimentary. I did not try to improve
the filtering of the OpenSUS data very much after the initial
effort. However, it is well-known from various news outlets that
the number of tests taken per day by patients has increased,
generally, but we also know it fluctuates over time, i.e test
production capacity has increased since the very beginning of the
pandemics, logistics has had occasional setbacks to deal with, and
also it seem reasonable that less covid tests were applied when
positive cases generally decreased, and vice-versa..
With more diligent work onw can smooth out the variable number
of covid tests done per day from chart data and surprising results
are to be obtained. All available points from historical data sets
ought to be used for the results of such an analysis be clear and
meaningful from a long term and wholistic perspective.
#19 - State Governor Response
Semana passada, depois de procurar concursos públicos na minha
área de formação e ver que estão em baixa, decidi me oferecer a
trabalhar voluntariamente no combate à Covid de um a dois meses.
Especialmente, achei que poderia ser útil agora no final do ano,
durante as datas comemorativas, visto que muito do pessoal deve
tirar férias merecidas.
Mandei uma
carta e currículo para várias instituições em São Paulo e
algumas no Paraná. Claro, a princípio prefiro trabalhar
voluntariamente nas maiores instituições. Recebi algumas respostas,
inclusive uma surpreendente do Governador de São Paulo, João
Last week I was searching for private companies to send in my
curriculum vitae. I also checked for public service
examinations for a position, however none was found on my area of
There are too many stories about people needing a job who send
dozens or hundreds CVs and
receive no answer, so I prepared to not give up so soon. I actually
sent dozens of unrequested CVs to private companies about my city
at the end of 2018 and got no replies. Indeed, most companies I
sent a copy of my CV may not need a biologist, but that was worth a
try. And I am hopeful enough to do that again this year!
In the meantime, that would be a smart move from me to do
volunteer work against Covid. My training as a biologist may come
in handy. I do not expect to be at the front line of vaccine
research or production but maybe I could be useful for something.
As a reward, I can add the public institution name I served as a
volunteer in my CV later..
It has been almost 4 years since my master's degree and away
from the academy. I know teachers and other important people from
the academy have got some prejudice towards those away from the
academy for so long. I have no plans to take PhD degree nor do I
plan on teaching at universities in the foreseeable future. Yet,
there is a longing to be back within the science on the
I sent some presentation letters and CVs to the biggest public
institutions working against Covid, researching and producing the
vaccine. Because all my university training was completed in
various public, state and federal universities from two states
(Paraná and São Paulo), I thought it was almost my duty to
help in some way as retribution for all the public money invested
on me as a student.
These institutions or people include:
Secretary of State for Health from Paraná (my state)
Secretary of State for Health from São Paulo (neighbour
Secretary of State for Health form from São Paulo
Instituto Adolfo Lutz
Instituto Adolfo Lutz public relations department
Butantan Institute
Butantan Institute head directly
São Paulo governor personal e-mail (found on some document on
As a last resort, I may still send an e-mail to one graduation
teacher of mine who is currently involved with the Covid programme
in my state, as she is a biochemist and immunologist. I took
internship under her tuition so she knows that I have been keen
onto immunology and molecular biology all along..
I got five responses in total, two of them came in quickly last
week. Mostly, they said thanks for the volunteer application and my
civility in trying to help our people.
On Monday, this week, I was reading the news and there was an
interview from São Paulo governor, reprinted below from the
O Antagonista:
Doria defende frente para derrotar Bolsonaro
23.11.20 07:00 [$$ 5]
João Doria defende uma frente ampla para derrotar Jair Bolsonaro
em 2022.
Ele disse para o Estadão:
“A frente não deve ser contra Bolsonaro, mas a favor do Brasil.
A frente deve reunir o maior número possível de pessoas e
pensamentos que estejam dispostos a proteger o Brasil e a
população. Comporta o pensamento liberal de centro, que é o que eu
pratico, mas comporta também centro-direita, centro-esquerda,
aqueles que têm um pensamento mais à esquerda e à direita. Só não
caberá o pensamento dos extremistas, até porque os extremistas não
querem compartilhar, discutir. Eles querem impor situações ao País,
tanto na extrema-esquerda, quanto na extrema-direita. Destes
extremos nós temos que ficar longe.”
Sobre Sergio Moro, ele disse:
“Ele deve fazer parte dessa frente. Tem história, biografia e
posicionamento. Nunca declarou que era candidato. Sempre teve
altivez e grandeza para defender o País, independentemente dos
interesses pessoais.”
(Fetched with a scraper script from my GitHub repo)
The governor, João Doria, is talking about politics parties,
however as I was sort of expecting a response from him, I read
through all the nuances and extracted a message I thought was
directed for me.
I read it like so:
If it only depended on me, those who have got loftiness and
grandeur to defend the country without personal interests in stand,
we want to gather. However, those who are right- and
left-extremists and want to impose things to their country, we must
Maybe I should avoid sending my CV and volunteer letter
insistently? That seemed to be a very good tip from Mr Doria. That
is useful for not forcing it too much when asking for private jobs,
Either I was becoming mad or he really did reply to me via that
interview. That would not be so surprising, after all, politics
read and hear from a lot of people and they cannot possibly reply
to everyone directly. Maybe even unconsciously, he read my e-mail
and replied to it somehow.. Humans have got some forms of
communication that are not so obvious, but that is subject for
another post.
As I read through his answer and that was apparently good, I
decided to take it for me, nonetheless.
Fig 1. Letter sent by the Governor personal secretary
with Govt stamps and even a letterhead symbol saying thanks for my
being available.
I don't reckon I will be sending any more CVs for volunteer
work. If they don't need me within two or three more weeks, I may
not be inclined or able to engage in that anymore. While I reckon
that may do me very well mentally and physically, I may not be
enough mentally stable to engage in that yet. I need focus
on private companies and public examination for a fixed position at
the local Govt, a city hall job, and also focus on my health.
PS: After answering the Governor secretary e-mail saying I felt
happy and honoured by her message to me, I remarked, a little
jokingly and good-humored, I would vote on his if he decides to run
for president in 2022.
Some days later, there was this another speech from him saying
he does not care about elections but the nation! Maybe I was
inappropriate? That is appropriate to be concerned about
'responsibilities' and 'service' to the community..
The communication channel through the news feels like it has
closed to me now.
"Aqui não há foco em nova eleição, há foco em vacinação", diz
29.11.20 20:04
Ao comemorar a vitória de Bruno Covas, o governador João Doria
defendeu o "equilíbrio, o bom senso e a capacidade de gestão".
"Bruno construiu sua vitória com seu programa de governo e sua
própria trajetória. Foi meu sucessor e conduziu com eficiência, com
foco. Foi brilhante, foi guerreiro, sério e dedicado."
Doria aproveitou para alfinetar Jair Bolsonaro, dizendo que
"aqui não tem negacionismo" e que a prioridade será a vacinação.
"Aqui não há foco em nova eleição, há foco em vacinação."
É fácil demais usar o comando `rm -r *` e destruir
todos os seus arquivos importantes. Aqui relato mais um episódio de
desventuras com esse comando!
This is not the first time I removed a lot of important files
with the command `rm -r *`.
Alone, the rm command does not remove recursively by defaults
and may even throw some errors because of not using the
-f flag and mixing directories with regular files.
However, do notice that apparently innocent shell star
glob *. I am not sure if that was z-shell option
RM_STAR_WAIT or the rm command itself, but a warning
dialog was thrown asking if I wished to remove 25 files?, to
which I hit Enter, even though I knew 25 files was not the
right sum of number of files.. If I had only noticed I was at the
wrong directory..
A glob is a filename generator within the shell
and it will be substituted by all file names matching it. The glob
is not recursive by defaults, either, but in combination with the
-r flag of the rm command that can cause havoc and a
lot of time lost at the very least.
To put the story into context, I updated Arch Linux after almost
two months without sync'ing. As I synchonise that once a month and
last month
there was news the just-released Linux 5.9 was not yet
compatible with nvidia driver 455.38, I postponed the sync'ing to
the following month, which is precisely this month.
With the release of nvidia 455.45 last week, today, I decided to
do a first sync with the majority of new packages from a fast Arch
Linux mirror in my country. I planned to sync again later with
Arch Linux
Archive's monthly repo (copy of the 1st of each
month), and use that for the following month or so again, and so
While in a Linux TTY with Tmux and pacman -Syu
running, I decided to go back in Tmux buffer and copy some warning
messages. I messed the keypresses and pasted a lot of text while
pacman was running post-install hooks..
That is important to mention I did play with the
/boot directory (which is in a different partition
from /) in my main SSD drive last week while my laptop
hardware was at the computer shop for repairing the display hinge
I cannot be sure what exactly went wrong with the pacman sync
this time but following a reboot systemD printed warnings it could
not find a kernel module for vfat and thus would not mount
/boot, which is a separate partition.
I thought about following Arch
Linux Install Guide and remaking the /boot
partition completely, plus I had a backup of its contents of before
and after the pacman update, so I thought I would give it a
At about the time I had chrooted into my SSD drive with Arch
Linux live media, an unrelated repair man who needed finish a job
with the house gate from yesterday arrived. I lost a little of
concentration at that point.
Plus, mum came to me asking some questions just before I was to
remove old /boot files.. I at /boot using
vifm before I quit it, and then instead of being at
/boot, $PWD was still at /. I am used to
automatically changing to the last directory vifm was because of a
vifm configuration which did not work when I was chrooted! I did
not notice that. I then run `rm -r` with the star glob
and pressed Entertwice.
I only noticed the catastroph when rm was issuing
warnings it could not remove /proc/something,
to which I immediately responded with Ctrl+C.
Interestingly, rm did not remove /bin and
other non-system directories from /, however it did
remove /home before other directories! Yay! =.[
Luckily, I have got backups. However the newest backup seems to
be 3 months old. I pushed/forgot to make my last 2 monthly backups,
usually made before Arch Linux updates. I have got most of my files
and system configs backed up. My scripts, dotfiles and website are
up-to-date with GitHub because I sync with that so often.. I did
not move much crypto recently and I have got paper backups of that,
so that is really fortunate. There are only about 4 files I really
lost, some of which are my updated curriculum vitae from last week,
and other documents I may rewrite. Other than those, I think I will
lose mostly time.
Won't I ever learn?
Obviously I cannot blame nobody except myself for such noob and
silly mistakes.. This is not the first time, and that is the second
time this year already!
I reckon I am distracted and indisciplined and can improve on
these with some effort which I am willing to make. Habits..
This is not the first time I mess up with rm. This
is the second occasion I did a mistake just after someone draws my
attention, but also on at least two other occasions there was
nobody to distract me.
I'm writing this from a backup laptop with Manjaro which has got
a complete local copy of official repositories and has not been
updated over 10 months! 10 months of no headaches!
Fig 1. The Ethernet port is bad so download of packages
is extremely slow (~80 Kbps). Downloading only essential packages
with pacstrap. At that point, I had no idea why
downloads were so slow..
I don't like Arch Linux moderators as they are sort of a piece
of shit. However, not all of them are naughty (I suspect the
younger ones are more cruel), and I don't partake guilt in those
terrible Arch Forums anymore. Independent as can be from them!
I have been thinking about installing OpenBSD when Arch Linux
became unbearable, but hopping distros right now would demand a lot
of time there is use for better things at this moment in my life.
So, unfortunately, I am just reinstalling Arch again.
I did cheat a little. GPT table and partitions were
reused. I formatted all partitions again with GParted from a
Xubuntu 18.04 live media.
Partition scheme
sda1 - /efi Bootloader
sda2 - Linux swap
sda3 - / System root
sda4 - /home User directory
Back with the formatted computer
This will become a chronology! Back to using my main laptop
(driver). Arch Linux reinstall was not too hard. I had to chroot
twice to properly install networking tools. Download of packages
was slow as heck. I discovered that the laptop ethernet port is
bad. Pacman downlaod speed was ~80 Kbps. I tried changing mirror
servers before discovering the ethernet port was to blame..
Once internet was set up properly, configuring Arch went well
and quickly. I should remark it was necessary to configure the
following with some special care:
choosing fast mirror servers (may use either ping
or reflector)
add EFI entry to motherboard NVRAM to boot new system
configure GRUB such as:GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true
sysrq_always_enabled=true"; Linux has now
dropped support for the scrollback buffer since 5.9
add users to correct groups (sys, log, games, bumblebee,
rfkill, wheel, adm)
networkmanager with systemd
bumblebee with systemd
tlp with systemd
timedatectl set-ntp true for time sync
localectl set-x11-keymap br abnt2
install yay
enable bitmap fonts cd /etc/fonts/conf.d ;ln -s
install xos-terminus and run update font cache
Basic system
I am making a list with packages to have installed. The list
contains some package groups such as base,
base-devel, xfce4,
xfce4-goodies, xorg and
xorg-apps (beware of xorg-drivers,
only install what is/if
really needed).
Other packages are required by my current hardware
Most packages enable me with basic functionality for dealing
with a lot of file types. For example, for viewing PDF
files, I have got xreader,
xpdf, gv,
pdfgrep and fbgs (from
fbida package collection), whereas
other PDF tools I have also got
pdfarranger, pdfmixtool,
pdftricks, pdfmod,
poppler, pstotext and
If a package is required by another package, it is probably
not in the list, unless it means something to me..
I can confirm losing some more important files from
within the last 3 months without a backup.. Hopefully I will be
able to restore the missing information and files but that will
take all day long tomorrow.
One day later..
About 21 hours after accidentaly removing all my important
files, I have got a round-working Arch Linux system and restored
most of my files. Nothing really important was lost.
That was a breeze to reinstall Arch Linux. I will need updating
my backup script because pacman lists did not contain
all packages from my older system..
Other times I misused `rm`
In 2019 I used rm when cleaning up some old
backups and removed a unique backup copy of documents and photos
from about 2005. I had more backups of that in two other old HDDs,
however I lent both HDDs to my cousin to use with her laptop and
both of them wore out, one after the other! I was not able to
recover files from them. Lessons: three backups may not be enough.
Do not lend media that holds important stuff to you.
Just a few months back, I run rm at my user
directory and lost all personal files. There was a recent backup
but I had to rewrite some important documents that needed to be
up-to-date. Lesson: always be sure about your glob.
In recollection, twice I was using vifm (a command line file manager) with a hack to
automatically changing to its last directory on exit. I am
modifying that hack for something safer and that will not let me
get used to changing directories automatically when exiting
I did it again.. I was testing a script at a dedicated temp
directory. I opened many terminal windows at once and was doing too
many tests quickly. I opened another terminal window and forgot it
was not at the temp directory.
I run rm *.txt~*archInstall* and removed 7 files
from $HOME (I was messing with this script)..
Fortunately, it only removed some of the .txt files, which
I was able to recover all except one and maybe another one may be
outdated a little from my last backup in December.
I have been trying to follow a tip from Aurelio Jargas that is to try and always
use a glob that more than just *..
Fig 3. I am feeling like Homer Simpson tonight
#17 - Podcast #3 - Auto Analysis, PIX
Payments, Bitmex
Notas sobre os assuntos abordados no terceiro episódio do
podcast. Lembramos que o áudio dos espisódios do podcast é em bom
Are we at a bitcoin topping right now
($18,362.66) ? Probably yes and it is foolish to buy up here
See also fun cartoons (Looney Tunes, Taz Mania, Wile E.
Coyote and the Road Runner and Tom & Jerry) at
Warner Bros
Saved for next episodes (?) :
* Sending letters to important institutes,
universities and authorities working with Covid vaccine (such as
the state Governor) to offer my service as a volunteer for one or
two months in the fight against Covid infection; unfortunately,
some answers came back saying they are not accepting volunteers
right now, however there is a surprising answer from the
Being an biology activist of science for the sake of public
welfare and information
Episode quote
An Act
Imagine one act
was all
the Universe
And all Eternity
was to
analyse that
Perfect acts
Good consequences
Beware of madness
Um Ato
Imagine que um ato
tudo do Universo
Se teria toda a
Eternidade para
Ato perfeito
Consequências boas
Cuidado com a loucura
#16 - Biology for Cynics 0 - Saving the
Wrong Species
Com a série Biologia para Cínicos, espero pode apresentar
uma visão mais seca e mais dura da realidade da disciplina de
ciências, porém mais próxima da relidade do que muitos livros e
instituições ensinam por aí.
There are many illusions about biology. I understand that is
partly so because commoners are too passionate about
Nature. In contrast, professional biologists ought to be cold and
rational about Nature, but not all of them are, either.
Today I saw an ad on TV about protecting wildlife, such as birds
and other animals of the forest. The ad said Nature does not need
us but we (humans) need Nature.
Well, I may disagree.
We are part of Nature, we are the effect of climate and
other conditions on Earth which allowed human beings to develop.
There is no reason at all to think animals (rational or not) in the
universe are alike earthbound ones.
Cities and buildings are also natural. I dislike the word
natural because it does not make much sense nor does it make
things clearer in a wider analysis. That word is just an umbrella
wording (and misused
nowadays) but obviously I understand commoners will use that in
opposition to man-made stuff.
Why do commoners want to keep all species and avoid any and all
species going extinct? That is nonsensical! New species are
emerging all the time (why not?) as well as many others are going
extinct all the time.
Who can say an older species is better than a new species? And
what is better in this case, anyways? Newer species may
emerge because environmental conditions changed. Animals usually
have a very specific niche or a house in the environment.
If their house does not provide conditions, new species will evolve
to take that place! There is no vacuum in nature.
Not a few times I have seen reports of sightings of animals long
thought to have gone extinct! That kind of news is actually much
common if you start noticing them..
New species may eventually be more fit than older ones. Thus,
the value for the environment of new versus extinct species may not
change at different times (even if environment changes, too). Also,
species of a niche may change by random drift, meaning older and
newer species are equivalent and that is just by random chance one
goes extinct while the other occupies its place. Is that
better means more fit? If so, the better for the
environment means the more fit species. On the other hand, if
better means more useful, humans may be the best,
Humans shall prove very useful for maintaining our natural
world. When we move from Earth, someday, we will take animals,
bacteria and viruses with us to new worlds. In the meantime, humans
will strive to keep species which are useful for them, such as
cattle, and will keep the ecosystem required by them and by
Human relation with the environment will improve over time as
humans get more comfortable and have got time to think about other
beings. Do not ignore humans fought natural forces all along to
avoid being crushed by them. Also, at our modern world, most world
population is very very poor and may not even have water or food to
keep their health.
Check the environmental curve
of Kuznets, which is, unfortunately, badly interpreted by
modern biologists because they do not seem to understand that what
is pollution for one species is food for others, a cycle.
Plants will actually use sulfur and nitrogen from car and
factory exhaust! Phosphorus from smoke can also be used by trees.
See for example (a) or (local copy), (b),
(c), (d)
(e). That is too bold a claim trees clean the air, as
some papers deem, but my point is just trees do use some sulfur,
nitrogen and other elements from air pollution for their own
benefit. Also note some researches are performed only under
laboratory conditions which exacerbate normal pollution levels by a
lot, which conclusions may be off from what happens in nature.
Carbon is food for photosynthetic organisms as they embody carbon
from the atmosphere into their body to grow. That is basic plant
physiology. That is actually quite fascinating if you can reckon
life is not under our control and life is too pungent and cannot be
detained on Earth.
Carbon is funny. More specifically, its bonds with other
chemical elements give it extreme flexibility at earthly
conditions. I hope to write a little article about how the carbon
atom originated life someday but I am still appreciating just how
funny an element that is.. Carbon is like Lego® pieces and if
you can roll them enough with other elements, they will interact
and nucleate into ever more complex pieces and eventually life
If people love life and all species, then they must love the
bacteria and viruses, too. Why not? I suspect commoners
love some furry animals and their love gets weaker
the more genetically apart species are from humans. I cannot blame
That is plain there are thousands of other planets supporting
life throughout Milk Way. There is no reason to think life on Earth
is better or worse than any other life in the universe. In my head,
generically, they all have got about the same value. So why humans
are so worried about protecting all species on Earth but
ourselves? It does not matter at all in the greater scheme
of things..
Microorganisms are much more important than animals. The energy
flux of the living start with photosynthetic and chemosynthetic
life. The frog, the bird, the lion.. They are not
more important than photosynthetic life so why do commoners want to
protect organisms that matter the least to Earth
environment? The frog, the bird, the lion and humans may get
extinct and it will not matter much or for long to our ecosystems.
New species will promptly take their place as long as the basal
energy availability is intact. Over time, even complex body schemes
may evolve from single cell organisms but more complex or rational
life may not necessarily develop.
#15 - Moved on
Fig 1. Hubble
eXtreme Deep Field. Thousands of galaxies are seen when Hubble
pointed its camera to an unseemingly dark spot in the space. Local
copy of image
here. (credit: Hubble Space
#14 - Podcast Première and EP #2 - Sir
Attenborough, MOSAiC Exped. and Boy Plunger
Notas sobre alguns assuntos que discorreremos no primeiro
podcast que pretendemos estreiar no final do mês (ou um pouco
antes). O podcast será em português, apesar que a maioria das notas
de pauta estão em inglês (alguns links de notícias em português). O
podcast também será postado no meu canal do youtube. Assuntos não
abordados neste podcast serão reservados para os próximos
Notes about some subjects I am planning on talking about in the
podcast premiere. The podcast will be in Portuguese however most
notes are in English below. This podcast will also be posted at my
youtube channel and is expect to go on air by the end of the month.
Subjects not met in this episode will be saved for the next
See the podcast index here (currently at the
blog portal).
The interviewer tried to start the conversation with hope but I
am not sure Sir Attenborough managed to to inspire her very much.
Also noteworthy how other people on the beginning of the podcasts
already forecast grievance only.
Sir Attenborough says he is not an economist, which is fine
IMHO, however nothing
stands in the way of his learning some of that. When he says we
need to curb capitalism, what does that really mean? That does not
mean anything. Beware of vague expressions.
Usage of drones instead of narrow-angle lenses to film walruses
made them afraid and led them to falling off a cliff. Note that the
polar bear which was at the scene is only partly to blame for the
tragedy. If no drones were around, probably walruses would not just
fall off the cliff.
Hunger is really worrying. Perhaps total world production of
food is enough for all human beings, however there is a big problem
with distributions systems. There are not enough distribution. We
need more roads to take food (and fuel and technology) to those who
live in very difficult places to access and cheap fuel.
Comments on the almost year-long transpolar-turned-peripolar
expedition of Mosaic on the German ice breaker Polarstern. A copy
of the forum thread in
plain formatted txt can be found here. The Mosaic expedition
tried to follow the steps of the Nansen's
Fram expedition (1893–1896), which aimed to reaching the
geographical North Pole.
This article says Mosaic Polarstern reached geographical North
Pole, however the forum logs say closest approach to North Pole was
166.3 km, information from post on February 26th from young
ice. After the originally planned floe was abandoned during
the covid pandemics, in search for a new floe they crossed the
North Pole on August 19th, but that was a detour and not in the
original plans of the expedition.
A lot of public money was spent in this expedition, however the
scientific groups released little data and there was not a
centralised data or information supplier other than the kindergarten-like
portal (entering deprecation as soon as the expedition was over
last month). Most available info is spread across blog and social
media posts. Official scientific papers with data from Mosaic
expedition are planned to be released by 2023! IMHO, data should
have been streamed live from the ship and everyone should be able
to get that and do their won research, why not?!
Brazilian legislation makes it hard for cabotage type of
navigation. Cabotage navigation would allow transporting a lot more
resources along the very extensive coast of Brazil. Railroad
development has been stagnant for decades in Brazil. Cabotage is
not the silver bullet for the transport problems but would greatly
help and reduce road transport.
The Brazilian govt says Brazil is lagging 8 years behind in
genomic research. Thus, now they want to sequence 100 thousand
Brazilian genomes (who must have some sort of rare disease) in the
next four years with
spending of R$600mi (US$~107mi) and be the leading country in
that field of research. Does that make sense? Some ethical and
financial problems arise. For example, the project first aim is to
generate a said 'reference' genome of the Brazilian people. Perhaps
they could generate a reference genome for peoples from Iceland,
Norway and Japan, but hardly Brazil due to its great population
miscegenation. There are lots of gene sequences or genome
assemblies from people with rare diseases available
in publicly accessible data banks and I reckon a research group
could obtain more whole genomes from specific public-restricted
banks. If Brazil groups cannot advance in genomics with data
already available, they will hardly advance with 100 thousand more
genomes because data is not automatic information!
An account of the early life of Jesse Livermore, the Boy
Plunger, as a stock operator. In this book, Livermore character
wears the pseudonym Livingstone.
Ugly talks about the risk US regulatory entities present for
Bitfinex and thus blocking US citizens (and many more) from dealing
with them, see also
Americans Trading on BitMEX/Bitfinex. The problem with the
BitMEX case is the US govt has not got jurisdiction power over
BitMEX however the US govt wants everybody under their dirty
thumbs. Tip from Ugly: evading taxes is illegal, however
avoiding them is legal. Dica do Ugly:
sonegação de impostos é ilegal, porém evitá-los
(elisão fiscal) é legal.
BRL Bitcoin has broken
highs from 2017
On the 17th of December 2017, bitcoin
reached BRL 65,952 (almost 66K Brazilian Reais).
On the 17th of August 2020, a new all time high
reached BRL 68,695.
I sync Arch Linux with the monthly repo (snapshot of the
1st of a month) from ALA. However, sometimes even the
monthly repo snapshot (which is used to generate the official Arch
Linux install iso image) is not 100% stable for my specific
hardware and thus I need to try and sync again some days later..
For example, what I do when there is news such as nvidia 455.28
is incompatible with linux = 5.9 recently? I do not agree a
rolling release distribution requires the user to update constantly
as a rule.
Working with bitcoin private keys
How to set up a computer with a safe digital environment and
how to try and leave no records.
use a dedicated computer with a free operating system, such as
Linux distributions or BSD clones; there is no need to keep
it up-to-date, one may use a snapshot of os and download a
full copy of the official repos (usually below 50GB), for eg.
wget -r -np -e robots=off
avoid connecting to the internet while working with privy
(i) use an encrypted disk, (ii) an encrypted user account or at
the very minimum (iii) do encrypt files holding the privy keys with
eg. gpg -c --personal-cipher-preferences CAMELLIA192
[FILE..] . List cypher algos with gpg
--version. Do make a backup of original files as
some gpg versions may overwrite them!
remove automatic unencrypted backups made by text editors
avoid automatic backups by text editors (also swap and undoes),
for example, add a modeline to files opened by vi(m): #
vim:nobackup noundofile (maybe leave noswapfile
overwrite and remove temporary or old files with shred
-n1 -uv [FILE..]
make backups of your encrypted files
tip from bitconheiros,
user may use Tails operating system, but personally I reckon that
is not necessary if you pay attention to my tips above
Bitcoin price in BRL is at new All Time Highs. On
25th Sep 2020 it broke to 75,216
BRL, going above
17th Dec 201766,066 BRL/BTC
Fig 1. The number of days from the previous bottom
to the halving is equal to the number of days from the halving to
the next top... (credit: @zorgoi
and @Pladizow)
Compulsory vaccination: is reinforcement of a covid vaccine
feasible? While OMS says SARS-CoV2 vaccine will be widely available
only in 2022, is that fair that whoever is not able to get
vaccinated until then should stay at home, isolated? There are many
bad points about compulsory vaccination:
SARS-CoV2 vaccines are still under testing, nobody know if they
are effective
As for all vaccines however small there is a chance of
collateral effects; that is a risk a person must decide to take or
Universality passes through the self first; in Japan, use of
masks is to protect one self, the extended benefit of protecting
others is only secondary and not as powerful as self
The person may not even get into contact with the virus in her
If a person is not able to get a vaccine, should he be
I reckon that when a person is diagnosed with covid or any other
contagious disease, he should stay at home but we cannot make
people stay at home or discriminate them when they are not
infected. The fears they are trying to mitigate with mandatory
vaccination cannot be universal rule itself: imagine now that we
must get a shot of vaccine for every possible disease because we
must protect "others"?
Update on 03-nov-2020
If youtube analytics is saying the truth to me, most listeners
of the podcast drop before the 40min mark. That does not mean I
should dumb down the content or shorten it for the sake of what
most users do. However that was already a plan to make 40min
podcasts so that is the goal next time. Maybe I will aim at 35min
so I am sure to never run out of content!
I plan on recording another podcast episode only just before New
Year's day or Christmas. Let's see.
#13 - Saving Bugs and Other Animals
I took the car and headed to university yesterday, about a
40-minute ride. Walking about, I found a little centipede about 6
centimetres long squashed down by half onto one paved walkway. It
was moving its little antenna quickly. Desperately, I
Someone had walked and stepped on the posterior half of the
little creature body. What to do? Seeing that little thing hapless
mounts to much more suffering in my head than it probably should. I
have been more sensitive to animal pain as of late because one of
my friends was having a troubling time thinking about animal
suffering, specially cattle suffering, and also my father touched
on this meaty subject this year (or last year?), so we have been
thinking about that a little more over the course of the last
Should I put an end to the little creature suffering? I have
done such deeming merciful acts in the past when I was a kid or
teen, and they never felt right..
For some years, I had Aikido classes with the
Buddhist monk at the temple in little town we lived back then. He
mentioned many frogs would appear after a rainy day. I asked him if
I could have some for generic experimentation. I actually had
already prepared somewhat and had asked my dentist for some vials
of injecting anaesthetics, of which he gave me about 20
(incredibly!), so I was up to no good..
Sensei (the monk) thought it over for a while
and decided to dissuade me from this idea of experimenting with
living animals (vivisection). He said something that has clung to
me ever since, he said any animal would prefer to live a little
longer in any case.
I was never a killer of animals. I had a friend who was kind of
bad with animals, he and another one who lived in at the same
street would shoot down dove birds with slingshots in front of me
and I always found that cruel.. They would eat some of the hunt and
I heard more than once from different people these doves are
yummy.. Sometimes they would kill only to practice their slingshot
If I have to, I will smack cockroaches and mosquitoes, specially
if these creatures annoy me.
During master course, I run many rounds of experiments at the
biochemistry lab and consumed 80+ rats, total. That is interesting
my co-workers seemed always willing to kill rats under my project,
so I would always let them do it for me. One of my co-workers under
the PhD programme who was a religious fellow dealt with a lot of
personal trouble about sacrificing rats for experimentation at the
lab. At the same time he was always willing to sacrifice rats under
my name.
At the period of time, as I lived in the neighbourhood of the
university, I would go treat my rats during experimentation periods
everyday by morning. When there was no experiment, I would usually
go to the lab to prepare something, clean up or use the internet
even during weekends, bank holidays, Christmas, New Year and in the
last year the Carnaval. I would always check the animal room and
fill up the water bottles of whoever rat was there. I got to know
the people form the Central Animal Facility of the university who
apparently liked my dealing with rats and so I could have extra
rats if I needed them (sometimes some co-workers would need extra
rats and would take mine). I also changed a very bright light to a
very dim light at the lab animal room (bioterium) after detecting a
possible lack of animal well-being of the rats immediately below
this very bright incandescent light bulb..
Fig 1. Cartoon of laboratory rats running an
I much prefer to be the rescuer outside research. I did many
glorious rescues of bugs that were drowning in bad waters and I
could help them over the years (including some cute bugs from the
privy). I cannot save all bugs from drowning and it certainly does
not make a difference for the species as an entity, I definitely
got stung more than once trying to save bees at the pool, but I
changed the future of those bugs I saved, right?!
Life seems to be very common, not rare, not special and trivial
when we look at that from zoomed out perspectives. However, life
becomes incredible the more we zoom in. What I mean is, certain
things have no meaning, purpose or benefit for the grand scheme of
things but they make more sense in smaller scales (when we get
closer to the subject matter).
So I decided to remove the little half-crushed centipede to the
grass. I reckon that he would prefer to spend his time over the
soil instead of the pavement. It also makes more sense that he is
in contact with more natural structures.
That was more sad than needed be. I myself crushed many ants on
those same paved walkways nights before.
Later that day , I was crossing a road on the opposite side of
the university and found a beautiful centipede also crossing the
road. I thought better to save it from cars so I hunkered down and
tried to grab it delicately when a car came headed for us. I would
not have more than a few seconds and the damn animal was avoiding
my fingers, so I grabbed it against its will, got out of the road
and placed it on the grass nearby (no stinging!).
That really reminded me of a reasonably funny episode of a
series named 1000
Dumb Ways to Die, in which a vegan or hipster girl was driving
along when she found a dead animal on the road and stopped to try
and help it. She started crying when she saw the animal was dead,
she was desperate by its side when another can came and killed her,
too. That is like Darwin Awards. LOL
Anyway, a little more seriously, I have got some tips for when
you see an animal crossing the road ahead:
Limit driving speed
It makes sense to driving slower when passing in an area one
knows has got frequent animal crossings. I like to drive at below
80km/h on the highway. Not everyone is patient at the wheel and I
know that is not possible to drive at such intermediary speeds at
all times, but it has become clear to me animals tend to have a
clean escape when the car speed is at about 60km/h (~38miles/h) at
the highway. If the car is too much faster, the driver cannot slow
down adequately or on time. Animals are not used to super high
speed in nature, so they don't realise the car is approaching much
faster than normal speeds, nor can they run away at enough speed to
get out of they road.
Slow down or stop the damn car!
This is extremely risky for the driver. However, usually the
driver has got some moments to make a decision and looking at the
rear mirror is, hopefully, a habit. In case there is sufficient
long space until the car at the rear, the driver may choose to slow
down to give the animal a chance to run away or finish crossing the
highway. In the city, usually the driver is at slower speeds and it
may be safe to stop the car if needed. I have seen many people that
simply don't stop the car for animals!! That is very sad,
sometimes just braking a little would save cats and dogs..
Use headlight signalling and Horn
Some animals don't care about the horn blow but will unfreeze
and respond if one toggles high/low headlights.
When I see any animal on the road, ideally I do many things at
once (which became more natural over practice) : I check the rear
mirror, pull the brakes a little, blow the horn and toggle
headlights. If that is completely safe and necessary, I may stop
the car, too.
PS: There is a video somewhere of Sergei, a
Rock Star and former boyfriend of Janis Joplin, in which
he plucks a flower from a bush in his house lawn and enjoys it for
a while.
When he decides to throw away the flower, he acts carefully to
throw it onto the lawn instead of simply dropping the flower on the
pavement he was standing..
Fig. 2 Sergei posing for a picture in a couch at his
home, the
The Temple of Rock.
#12 - Spell Checking Programmes
Escolhendo entre alguns programas para conferir a ortografia
disponíveis no Linux e algumas dicas para usá-los.
That came the time to run the spell checker on all my website
pages. There were many errors. Spell checking is very
Just this week
fraud was discovered in the candidate for a position in the
Supreme Court (STF) in Brazil. The fraud suspicion was confirmed
because even bad orthography was copied from a lawyer's articles to
the Supreme Court nominee master degree dissertation! His former
supervisor said the university will need reviewing his thesis again
due to the facts exposed in the media. He has just recently
completed his PhD degree in Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), but
has not published his thesis yet. It is speculated the nominee has
not completed formal postdoctoral work as written nis his
curriculum, either.
Here are some tips of what spell checkers I am using.
Hunspell is the most popular spellchecking library. It is
included in OpenOffice, LibreOffice and it appears to be included
in Firefox and Chrome, too.
The difference in popularity may also have to do with fear of
copyright law enforcement amongst other things. Even though
Stallman said it was OK for GNU Aspell to use a copyrighted word
list for the English language, there seems to be a message in the
mailing lists with some worries from one developer about the case..
See the mailing
list and the follow-up message.
Hunspell is based on Myspell. Myspell was created as a simple
spell checker for use in OpenOffice. Myspell’s affix support was
merged into Aspell 0.60 so Hunspell and Aspell can use the same
affix file to some extent.
Hunspell has better support for language peculiarities
including compounding and complex morphology. However the Hunspell
(v1.7.0) utility currently has problems with apostrophe (') in
Aspell generally has better suggestions for non-phonetic
langauges such as English and French. Aspell suggestion speed also
tends to be significantly faster than Hunspell. For a comparison of
suggestion quality and speed see
Hunspell supports setting multiple dictionaries at once while
Aspell requires the user to create a custom dictionary. For example
merging en_US with en_UK and pt_BR dictionaries. Sincerely, if
there is that option in Aspell, I could not find it. I found
this page with a little how to get word lists from the
dictionary .rws files, but that is just an example link, I don't
know if that is the best tutorial over there if you are really
going to do it. However,
since different languages have different suggestions strategies and
affix rules this is a non-trivial task. Afixing rules are used
to generate
inflection lists, for example.
One alternative for Aspell is to list all words of a document
that are wrong in one language with the option list, pipe to
another instance of Aspell which will list all words that cannot be
found in the dictionary of another language, such as
$ aspell --dict-dir=/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/ --lang=pt-BR list <index.html | sort -u | aspell list
The only problem here is that you cannot know what line number
the wrong word is. See also
this blog post which details on the same workaround
For checking spelling of a single word, I wrote this shell
function. While not ideal it should work for multi language
checking if you don't mind some verbose scat:
Both Aspell and Hunspell command line interfaces are good and a
clean way to fixing bad words in multiple or single files. If you
use Vim beware about losing its undoes for files edited with the
spell checker default interfaces!
Vim spell checker
In order to avoid losing Vim undoes it is best to use Vim
built-in spell checker. I remember configuring my .vimrc with some
extra dictionaries knowing that would be useful at some point. But
as said, I have got the poor habit of not using spell checker,
hopefully we will change that now!
I got a medical
terms wordlist and placed it at file path
~/.vim/spell/medicalterms-en. Then I set the following
in my .vimrc:
" ~/.vimrc
"spelling check
set spelllang=en_gb,pt_br,medicalterms-en
"custom dictionary
set spellfile=~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add
The filename of the custom dictionary is en.utf-8.add because a
dictionary starting with en will be read for all variants
of English (I haven't got the reference but that is what I can
Vim help page from :help spell cites
en-rare and medical_ca dictionaries but I could
not find wordlists for them on the internet so far.
Setting the spellfile property (custom words) is not as
important as setting at least one main language for the spelllang
property in .vimrc, however you can just set vim for a single
session with:
:setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
If you don't care the setting applies only to current buffer,
you can use :set spell and :set nospell
to disable.
Other than configuration, usage is very simple. Perhaps the most
important shortcut for the spelling function is z=
when cursor is on a highlighted (bad) word. It will prompt the user
to pick a suggestion from a list.
Other useful shortcuts are ]s to go to the next
misspelled word and [s to go backwards. More on usage
on vim help :help spell-quickstart or from
this tutorial.
The user will end up composing a custom dictionary with words
she uses the most, such as frequent proper names and particular
expressions of her labour niche.
Add word under the cursor as a good word to the first
name in 'spellfile'.
:spellr[rare]! {word} Add {word} as
a rare word to the internal word list, similar to |zW|.
I reckon that checking spelling and grammar should happen
in-flight for simple mistakes or after the text is complete in
order to avoid breaking the trail of thoughts while writing.
Running the spell checker is a habit to be acquired! ;]
#11 - Blogs and Books
Tenho lido muitas notícias e visto vídeos porém tomam muito
tempo que eu poderia estar usando para estudar algo mais produtivo:
a lei ambiental brasileira!
E toda ela, inclusive. Sabendo primeiro a lei seca,
esse conhecimento abrirá portas de emprego tanto públicos como
Pretendo enquanto ler alguns blogs de biologia para me animar
nas próximas semanas, vou me organizar, compilar as leis e começar
a estudá-las com mais foco..
Since this blog started, I have been searching for other biology
blogs, web tips and such. Many blogs are seemingly abandoned or
perhaps their authors could not keep up with posting frequency but
nonetheless plan to update them later.. It was possible to find
many short blogs, which I tried to promptly read or skim through,
and some longer ones, which will demand more time.
Below is a short list of the blogs I want to take my time and
explore in the following weeks.
There are some books in bookshelves and in boxes to avoid their
collecting dust. Most of my books are second-hand although there
are a few which cost a lot. It took many years to grow my personal
library. As I still have not read all of them, I have been avoiding
to buy more books; now I try to download those books I want to
Until recently, I mostly read news sites, forums, tutorials
websites, manuals or university-related papers on the internet, so
I did not read a physical book from head to tail regularly lately..
The problem is there is so much diverse types of text I read on the
internet of which much is absolutely garbage, like for example
politics. That can and should be avoided because that takes so much
of my time. I will not digress much but I will only say YouTube
videos have drawn a terrible token on me, too, time-wise..
I want to change that, revert to spending my time reading and
dreaming about how I could accomplish things eventually in the
future with good company from the book author and their ideas
flowing in my mind.. Nothing better than to carefully choose a book
for reading. There are so many good books to choose from written
over millennia.. Think about that!
Fig. 1 Some of my books
The most relevant literature I must take is also the most
boring: environmental law. And all of Brazil environmental
law is important.
Since I got my master's degree, I got to know bitcoin and did
not study environmental law very much.. Finance was a universe I
was not familiar with. Indeed most of my initial investment capital
was brutally scammed in the first months and only now, almost two
years and a half later, is that I am barely on the green (up eight
percent total).. But I cannot be too hard on myself as there was
absolutely no one to help me learning crypto and finance in general
and I was on my own. I reckon this enterprise will prove a lot more
profitable over time and I will have got some sound money.
That only will not make me rich. That is why I need focus on
environmental law so I can try and get a good public gov't or
private job position. Ted Nelson talks
about generalistimos in one of his videos. His first advice is
to know the law, specially if you want to be a consultant.
So my plans are to keep on reading those biology blogs to get
some inspiration instead of "news" or YouTube videos, compile and
study all the environmental law. Not easy but that is what I need
Also, this time of year until December is a great window for
sending curriculum to private companies. I did that already soon
after I got my master's degree and was unsuccessful but that is a
good idea to try again (and again next year!).
#10 - Flying Memphis Belle, a B-17 Air
Esta é uma história sobre algumas aventuras do Sr. Walter nos
tempos da guerra em que completou missões perigosas. Alguma hora,
traduziremos este texto para o português.
Mr Walter "Blaacky" Schwartz is a USA citizen. The young
American man studied and graduated as a photographic engineer at
the United States Army request and cost. He was trained and refined
his skills to do it right: press the shutter at the perfect timing
and capture the moment of the strike. Although Mr Schwartz
preferred not to reveal what institution he received training, he
carries the name of at least one very famous camera maker company
in his diploma.
The first story is about a mission over the eye of a hurricane,
at a very high altitude to be able take photos for a weather
committee of scientists. At the time we talked, he reasoned about
one elegant and simple definition for the purpose of narrow-angle
lenses: it was to go in pursuit of further detail of the subject
when it was not convenient to go closer, of course. Another group
of men could never have passed as near a spiralling rotatory to
death and return home with mission accomplished but those men in
the crew.
One of the most admirable trace of character of Mr Walter was
his courage in face of such dangerous situations. While he talked
about those remembrances, we would not quiver his voice. His life
stories are truly fascinating.
Another one of his military stories he could and was willing to
share is as follows.
He was sent to one military missions aboard the Memphis Belle
bomber craft. It was the first heavy bomber to return to the US
after completing 25 successful missions during the Second World War
in Europe. The Memphis Belle is an American
icon, it represents sacrifice and what Americans will do to
protect their freedom.
The mission started upon arrival of the crew members at the War
Front, located somewhere in the coast range of England. The Air
Front was composed of dozens of wings and for this mission, as many
as 35 aircrafts would campaign together. The air front faced France
and Germany, territories which were taken by the enemy at the
Second World War. All crew members were gathered with the group
commander at the target map room. It was where they were informed
the whereabouts and objectives the commission was to carry out for
the first time. All crew members synchronised their wrist watches,
just before the little spare time they had before lift off. The
spirits of them were high, expectant and hopeful. Many soldiers
went to see the base priest for their prayers.
The aircraft he was sent to board was a B-17 heavy bomber craft,
a B-17 made by Boeing and was propelled by four engines. The particular
design made it possible for the aircraft sustain flight even
when severely damaged.
It had a big wing which could bear many holes..
It had a nearly frameless clear-view nose, which was transparent
and bore the pilot stick panel, sharing the tight space alongside
one head gunner. Most of the 10-men crew were gunners, positioned
at specific angles to cover most attack angles. Each gunner had a
radius range of 1,000 yards frontward and adding all gunner posts,
they were protected almost 360 degrees. Others would take care of
the bombs to be dropped. There was one chief bomb engineer at the
wing formation who would decide the precise moment of bomb release,
after which every other bomber group crew would release their bomb
load in sequence. The air formation provided them even more
protection at altitude of 25 thousand feet (7.6 kilometres
About a week and a half after the crew finished their
25th mission, they were visited by the King and Queen on
the 26th of May 1943.
That is thought the pilot, Robert Morgan, named the craft
Memphis Belle for his Memphis sweetheart, Margaret Polk.
There were other
markings, such as Irene underneath the window of the
radio operator Hanson and the name Virginia on the
right-hand side where the waist gunner position was. The very
well-known nose art was a drawing of 25 bombs, represneting 25
succesful missions, and some stars over the bombs, representing
when the Bell was a lead in the attack formation. There were some
swastikas around the aircraft around mid to late May that year.
Soon after,
the aircraft had it's 26th mission while still in
the 91st Bomb Group. The markings changed over time.
Mr Schwartz said his aircraft was not carrying bombs, his
mission was to take photographs, footage of the mission
Outside the Memphis Belle, many black specks were part of the
scenario and were increasing. These were the result of detonation
of anti-air missiles shot from ground territory. They were always
apprehensive and concerned, or scared, because the flak was
coming up, the blue black puff of seemingly innocent smoke is a
bomb exploding. If that blew near to the wing, it would take the
whole wing off. At that height, the enemy aim was very bad and most
missiles would dischard before hitting the aircrafts, but many
discharged close enough to the formation that many aircrafts had
missing parts. Some of B-17 downed and others were out of sight
into enemy territory. It was time to hold strong, keep to the
Formation. The crew was plenty busy.
The American crew knew that if the German bombardiers ceased
firing, enemy aircrafts would soon come firing from any side in the
All anticipation culminated in the most important moment of the
mission and their their sole purpose: drop the bombs and check
whether they hit the targets. The targets were usually buildings
and facilities that upon destroyal would warrant devastating
political and economical impact.
Bombs dropped and the photograph plates were exposed. At that
point, the first half of the mission had been done. It was the most
important part but also the easiest, as they took the enemy by
surprise upon arrival. The second part was most dangerous, the crew
would try and return to the air base.
With the expertise of all men aboard, and some luck, they all
landed well enough. Many of the return crew members who landed were
badly injured, some dead and others intact. All of them, without
exception, held strong to their honour and returned to America with
glory. All survivor soldiers were received back with the utmost
respect and love from their compatriots and friends. Those soldiers
would be recognized for their impetuous spirits and firm minds.
They would now return home and train new people, tell them what
happened at the war front and how that was done.
interview and first draft around 2013-2014
text updated on 2020
in memoriam of Walter Schwartz
Em anos anteriores o lema na imprensa era Amazônia em
Chamas!. Este ano estamos vendo Pantanal em Chamas!.. Há
a formação de uma La
Niña fraca no oceano Pacífico, e a região ~sudoeste do Brasil
ficou mais seca, enquanto que a região ~nordeste (provavelmente
cerrado) e também a Amazônia ficaram mais úmidas.
Decidi fazer uma lista genérica com possíveis causas naturais de
incêndios florestais pois a imprensa parece saber somente de uma
(incêndios criminosos), mas há uma literatura enquanto que
enterrada pelo tempo, rica em informações relevantes, e muitas
vezes, revelantes.
There started again the annual talk of forest fires! In the last
two years, the headlines were Amazon is on fire! and now
they are Pantanal is on fire!. For those who are not
familiar with what a Pantanal is, it is actually a Brazilian
ecosystem, which terrais flood in the rain season and dry up in the
dry season, so there are many bogs and meandering rivers.
We are currently in the dry season! Also, this year it seems we
are having a weak La
Niña, which makes the Pantanal region (and where I live, some
further south at the Capricorn Tropical Line), drier. On the other
hand, the Amazon, cerrado and thereabouts in the northeast region,
are in their turn more humid, and of course there are less forest
fires there than the previous years.
I have been reading some material about fire management and
found some very good Brazilian and Portuguese papers and documents.
Specially, Portugal has got competent technical knowledge on the
subject. In one the of the papers, after explaining Portugal fire
index system through history (from ~1960), the author acknowledges
the index could be far more useful for society if forest and fire
management could make use of it!
I decided to start compiling a list of causes of forest fires
other than criminal human or indigenous activity, which seems to be
the only cause of forest fires the media knows and talks
This is a general list, forests may be more prone to some causes
than others depending on geography and other factors. That is a
shame I did not start making this list a few days ago, now it is
rather hard to find some of the references and I can't be 100% sure
about some technical wording, so while not ideal, I will link to
similar references, leave them without reference or remove the item
from the list eventually.
Deve-se distinguir claramente a diferença entre uso da terra e
desmatamento. Todo desmatamento é uma forma de uso da terra, mas
nem todo uso da terra é um desmatamento. Deve-se portanto,
quantificar separadamente uso da terra e desmatamento. As áreas
agrícolas (uso da terra) fora da região do domínìo da floresta
tropical úmida que ocorre nas regiões de savana (cerrado, campos
cerrados) dos estados periféricos da Amazônia Legal (Mato Grosso,
Tocantins, Pará, Maranhão) não devem ser consideradas como áreas
desmatadas e não o foram neste relatório. [..]
CONTRARY to widespread belief, evidence is mounting that
pre-Columbian America was not a pristine wilderness inhabited by
people who lived in such harmony with nature that they left it
unmarked. Instead, many scientists now say, the original Americans
powerfully transformed their landscape in ways both destructive and
benign -- just like modern people.
[...] more extensive fires on the alluvial islands of the middle
Rio Negro were those of the 1925/26 El Niño year, witnessed and
poetically described by Marchesi (1975): Thunder and lightning
appeared every day without rain. Then the great forest fires began.
Flames crossed from one side of the river to the other... Dense
smoke covered the entire region, eclipsing thesolar disk. It was
night for us too on the upper Rio Negro where the fire had not yet
arrived. Weasked ourselves if it weren’t the end of the world.
Finally, in early April after 100 days of drought unlike any known
before, a tempest struck.
Fire triangle
Fig 1. This triangle is used throughout many booklets
about fire, and it draws attention the fact that is composed of
only three (essential) parts: oxidizer, heat and fuel.
(credit: University
of South Carolina)
#8 - Good References, a Structure to
Google has got a nice feature for defining a search date range.
I always use that for checking papers, articles and writings in
general. Older papers are usually better written and more
Some general problems become bolder as telecommunication
technology evolves. Communication and data publishing changed
dramatically, in such a way it is reaches a bigger proportion of
people in less time. It may be appropriately to say a more fluid
mode as opposed to crystallise thoughts or rationales. Perhaps that
would be called a more fluid reality by Zygmunt
To publishing an article on the internet, if one has got some
basic connections, writing a piece and publishing that can be an
almost immediate event.
Even unthoughtful one-liners can mess up general opinion. Take
Brazil's president
Bolsonaro, whose sons publish a lot of obscenities in his name
and in the name of the Republic at Twitter.
That is how people are getting used to ever more, writing very
short text. Incomplete text should be called note and as such a
collection of notes are not organised very much, by definition.
Also, size of a text does not mean it is better or worse than a
shorter text, although usually the shorter the harder to
There is too much of the same ideas, ever poorer modification of
existing bases for some unhelpful sophistication of one own
That may not be a new problem, however that is for certain more
common now quantitatively than before, when a researcher wants to
conform to general opinion, fearing cuts in research budgets or
even salary. An overflow of limits means the paper may be under
serious methodological problems when that suffices to say there is
consensus and one's research confirms consensus.
Consensus should not be more important than a very well defined and
rational function, which leverages logical deduction of further
general aspects.
I reckon Einstein's genius may be in great part due to the fact
of the environment he was brought up in, and also because of his
acknowledgement and decision of developing on top of very important
primitives defined by other scientists. Synthesis is harder than
analysis, one needs a general understanding of the overall picture
and be able to remove noise from what is really important.
I am not sure it is healthy to long to be like Einstein. Francis
Crick and Ken Thompson would agree. Ken would probably also say to
just do your own thing, no need to have got bigger perspectives
than what is feasible at the time.
I fear this post has developed into something else than the
title may strictly suggest. Indeed writing about Einstein made me
question what are my objectives with this website and my youtube
channel, anyways? Too much thinking, I will just leave it at that
for now.
News about the website. I changed website structure a little
more. There are two important directories in the website structure
which are the graphics 'gfx' and resources 'res'
directories. The res directory will hold anything that is not
graphical, such as audio or text, although PDFs could arguably be
placed in the gfx directory, too.
A robots.txt file was added to the home page directory. It has
not got much, of importance only a pointer to a sitemap file.
I am using two scripts from Poor Man's Webmaster Tools to make a
sitemap.txt and a sitemap.html files. While I will
soon link the sitemap.html to visitors in the home page, Google,
Bing, Yahoo! Search, DuckDuckGo and other engines will actually
prefer to read a sitemap.xml file, because it can hold
some information about the links, such as last update time, update
frequency and priority (this latter is not currently consumed by
Google bots as explicitly said in Google's website).
It was not much hard to make the third sitemap script which
generates a xml file last night, although it took me approximately
2-3 hours to write it.. Here is a static
copy of the script. Although I will be improving it over time,
it may serve as an example for some other person who reads
this here.
The sitemap.xml file should actually be
uploaded to these search engines (they have got a form for that),
but I reckon if you are patient, you can just add the sitemap
pointer to the robots.txt and the robots will eventually reach
#7 - CSS é Legal!
Today I am with a hangover from last night. That was not much
fun, just spent money I should rather have saved..
After waking up, I was watching some videos os CSS frameworks
and got a comment from Theo
Dondé. He visited my webpage and said it was
simple. Also, he told me to use Google's
Materialize CSS framework. After some reading, I opted for the
W3.CSS, which is simpler, lighter, faster and W3 seems to be a much
better organisation than Google, plus W3 documentation is excellent
and I really want to have the least to do with Google..
It was a good surprise to actually be able to use CSS
Fig 1. Me sinto como a Rê Bordosa hoje.. I feel like her today.. (credit:
Ontem de noite e hoje não foi um dia muito agradável.. Dei um
escorregão, sai para me divertir, gastei um bom dinheiro que
poderia ter economizado! Hoje, amanheci com a
Passei o dia vendo uns vídeos sobre frameworks, ou
estruturas pré-definidas para formatação dá página com CSS.. fiz um
comentário no canal do Theo
Dondé, ele foi legal comigo, falou que que meu site estava
legal mas era simples. Ele deu uma dica, para eu
usar o framework
Materialize desenvolvido pelo "Goo"-gle, daí achei, porra o
cara tá achando que eu dou conta de usar um framework de CSS?
Fiquei lisonjeado... Sem querer, comecei a procurar sobre esse
assunto e achei o Bootstrap, que parece ser o mais
popular, o tal do Materialize e o W3.CSS. Curti o W3.CSS pois
ele é mais simples, não usa muito jquery e nem javascript, e parece
ser um sucessor do Materialize. Fiquei surpreso e feliz de ter
realmente conseguido usar o frameworks de CSS para refazer a página de apresentação do Blog. Os estilos de CSS da
homepage mesmo estou fazendo na unha para ir
Os Frameworks
Dá para fazer muitas coisas, pode ser comparativamente menos
organizado ou restritivo do que o Materialize, então depende muito
do bom-senso do web designer para que o layout do site
fique legal. Os estilos são do tipo flat e almost
flat, este último fica muito bom com layout de sites
Ele é mais restritivo, normativo que o Bootstrap, então uma vez
que tu consiga montar o site com ele, o site deve estar bonito e
alinhado. A paleta de cores do Materialize é de objetos do nosso
dia a dia, como um amarelo da placa de trânsito. Outra
característica dele é o uso de bastante sombras.
Baseia-se nas cores do Materialize e também no estilo de
material design, também do Google. É mais simples, tem
menos funções, mas é mais leve e muito rápido (pelo menos a versão
4 é!) e não requer jquery e nem javascript.. Mas também dá para
adicionar javascript, por exemplo, , se quiser, para uma apresentação
de slides.
#6 - More Web Master Resources
I reckon having a website for link collection is a good reason
for having a website. I started a new column on the website home
page, called The Fool Environmentalist which is supposed to
be a list with links and very short comments about some important
point. Google News always sends me good and bad articles that I
should be collecting for personal reference.. Internet news are
easy to read but very hard to keep track and organise them. Google
does not help, sometimes even Firefox isn't!
The Guardian has been very disappointing for the last
decade. Too many news about how humanity is headed to total
environmental disaster.. Generically, not only The
Guardian here, what they completely mess up is the sense of
cause and effect. Human beings are living on Earth because the
Environment has allowed all conditions for our development and
survival at this precisa moment, so we are actually an effect of
natural forces. To think that we are the cause and source of
natural order is very naive. We may as well be, however it seems
more overwhelming that what little humans can do is due to workings
of a much greater order.
And here order means simply physical laws. Indeed,
order can emerge from chaos and they are really not different
things. We may talk more about complex systems in due
I did a rewrite of a shell script
to deal with updating the website blog section. I found a very
useful sed command which allowed me to write simple template html
pages to merge with the actual post content (from
Stack Overflow).
$ sed '2 r file2.txt' file1.txt
The first sed command adds text from file2.txt into
file1.txt after a specific line (in that case, line
#2). The following commands are more interesting as they add text
from file2.txt after a matched pattern.
file2.txt can be /dev/stdin! Also, if you
want to modify the target file, you can use flag
$ sed '/^PATTERN/ r file2.txt' file1.txt
$ sed -i '/^PATTERN/ r /dev/stdin' file1.txt
I was working on the HTML and CSS code of the website for the
past days. Yesterday, I got some code snippets from W3 and made the home page
responsive. It is
using Flexbox, which, by the way, is not compatible with IE 10
and earlier.. I installed various web browsers available in the
Arch Linux official repos:
It is a good idea to check your website with all of these
browsers. I personally like to using W3M, however I am not that
familiar with all shortcuts yet. On the other hang, Links and
ELinks are easy to use to even have got GUI versions! They are
useful for navigating to many websites, though not all.
Specially useful is the Netsurf browser, which uses a simple
engine and is akin in rendering to a version of IE 10 or
You can test your website with a different browser
(cross-browser testing) at Browserling, too.
That is also good idea to check the code with an HTML validator and a CSS validator. They give
you a code snippet to generate a validator logo at your website,
however if you tested your HTTP version of the website, the code
generated will make web browsers throw
supposed errors of unsafe images when accessing it with HTTPS.
In Linux, I found a very good HTML linter called tidy
available in the extra repo in Arch Linux. There is a good CSS
linter, albeit harder to use and requires some manual configuration
is Stylelint,
available in the community repo. Check the
stylelint-config-standard package, too. Otherwise
install via npm, check package instructions.
Lastly, you can check website performance with GTmetrix, a tip from Chris Titus
Tech. It seems one of the most important optimisations you can
do is improve image sizes, if your webpage is too large. My home
page has approximately 200KB with images as of today..
PS: these webbrowser add-ons are almost essential webmaster
tools, check Web
Developer which adds a toolbar button with various web
developer tools and HTTP
Header Live which displays the HTTP headers.
#5 - Using Poor Man's Web Master
Falando um pouco da descoberta das ferramentes em shell do site
Man's Web Master Tools e como isso me aliviou e me motivou a
tentar escrever uns scripts para gerenciar a área do blog..
IMPORTANTE: parece que o site do PMWMT está fora do ar??
Espero que não tenha parado de vez (dead
link?).. Se o link não voltar, ainda bem que há
uma cópia na Wayback machine.
Searching for personal website tips or something, I found some
really interesting stuff. For example,
this website talks about website cracking and hackery in
general, which I found very amusing..
Anyways, it seems that indeed a webmaster needs to deal with
some data base and layout management. He could avoid them by using
Jekyll or WordPress, or if he knows some
programming, he can try and manage his website all by himself.
Reading Jekyll documentation, it seems to deal with
three types of web pages:
normal pages, usually not correlated to each other;
blog posts and a blog home page;
somewhat related pages, which they call
I reckon that for unrelated and individual pages, it is a plus
if we can craft them manually. There are so many structural HTML
tags which can be used that I doubt Jekyll can apply
half of them from a marked down text.. That seems
incompatible: either use a mark up or a mark down language.
Such intricate structures can one make with HTML tagging,
although much is condemned to null or discreet rendering by web
browsers at this present time..
About the second bullet point, the blog portal and individual
post management can be a hassle. It is easy if you just write in a
single page, which gets ever longer. However, if you want to point
to individual posts only, then you should also have got individual
pages for them.
Jekyll (and other static webpage generators) uses a
lot of databases, and that is not the easiest to familiarise with
its defaults structures, although I am sure you can customise
almost everything..
At this point, I was almost overwhelmed and giving up on trying
to create my own tools for the job of managing a post database..
Most surprisingly, I found the Poor Man's
Web Master Tools (PMWMT) and some silly scripts for
maintaining a static website. Do note the referred scripts are
shell scripts. I was most delighted! IMPORTANT: It
seems the website for PMWMT is down, hopefully that is temporary..
If the link does not come online again, we still have got
a copy from Wayback machine.
Much refreshed and elated, I got to work on my previous shell
script, which dealt only badly with concatenating all blog post
into a single page.
Some template files were created. One holds most of
HEAD and HEADER contents while the other most of
the BODY and FOOTER contents.
Now, article text is written in HTML but are written in individual
files and only contains some metatags in a HEAD section
and a ARTICLE section, which are then merged with the
templates to generate a complete individual page for the post.
Finally, a function that merges all article sections of individual
posts into a long page with all posts. There is a hard corner which
is to fix all locally relative resource dirpaths in src tags, for
example for images or gifs. Here, I had to think long and hard and
created another directory at the root of the blog directory called
res/ for resources, as it cannot be called gfx for graphics because
I will be linking txt plain text, as well. When all resources moved
there, I was able to use sed to remove '../' references in
these fields..
The third bullet of the list above seems irrelevant as a worry
now. Either we can specially craft individual webpages or use the
same blog system for an eventual collection of related
There are still some improvements or features to implement for
my own use, that is a way to automatically update the website
portal blog post section and the blog portal with latest post
titles.. That should not be too hard to do with some shell
scripting and sed..
You can check a script snapshot in this
link. I will be improving that over time, but I provide it here
just so as a reference of what can be done for the reader.
Although I am not currently using PMWMT's code (I
am writing my own), reading those scripts are a blow of fresh air..
When I next write a script for generating a sitemap.xml file, I may
use some of PMWMT code, though..
There may be a vague resemblance of functionality with Luke Smith's lb and sup, a
blog script and site updater he wrote for his own blog.
However, he does not seem to care about adding metatags to blog
posts, such as keywords.. Other blogs could use their post
categories as keyword metatags..
Just for the record, there are two more scripts o deal with
website or blogging. The first one is Roman Zolotarev's
ss5, which is a static site generator written in shell.
There is also Slackjeff's hacktuite,
a shell script that makes a static microblog.
Fig 1. Logo from the Silly
Software company, provider of PMWMT and other interesting
PS: package tree can also make a directory (and
file) listing in HTML with option -H. One can use flag
-P to search for filetypes and flag -I to
ignore some files. It must be run at the root directory of the
website. Example:
Depois de ver dar uma olhada melhor no blog do Luke Smith, estou pensando
em copiar algumas seções, como por exemplo, inaugurar um podcast em
Português. Definitivamente, o meu conteúdo vai ter que ser
espalhado em duas línguas. Veja, por exemplo, meu canal
canal no
YouTube, totalmente em português.. A ideia de um podcast é
muito boa pois abre uma avenida de possibilidades, além de ser mais
fácil de gravar, quem sabe um episódio por mês.. Aguardem..
Luke Smith's blog has
nice posts about his website development. Specially, today, I was
reading the very first posts, from may 2008, and he states
preference for a minimalist website. There is also depth to his
website, browsing it I could find many links to different sections
of his website: video, podcast and rss feed. He has got even a
forum, which I avoided entering so far, may check it later. That
LARBS distribution seems to have
many users. I would't dare using it, because that would be one more
layer -- instead of having to learn how to configure the tools
themselves, I would have to learn how to configure his
LARBS tools.. And I just found how convoluted his
distro design might be, look at how redundant is this directory
structure, which he cites in this post
in which you navigate downwards levels until you can find the
distro default configuration file at
His website has very interesting ideas, pages and depth to
content. Specially, the podcast section got my attention. I already
have got a YouTube channel (in
portuguese), and some faithful followers, even though I advertise
that channel as a B-side channel, meaning produced with as little
time as would afford that.. However, a podcast, in which only the
voice is the most important piece of the play, seems like good fun.
That is easier to record, easy to upload, easy to download.. It can
have high quality sound as any mobile phone has great microphone,
much different from my computer microphone used for producing my
youtube channel content!
It would make sense to have my podcast in portuguese, which
means effectively splitting content in two languages in this
website. Production would be slower, one episode a month. And I
could have co-hosts or interviews, chatting with other cool people,
so that is a big opened avenue.
#3 - Blog Design
I am reading a lot of HTML code from other personal
blogs/websites.. I am seeing all those blogs I collected over the
years in a new perspective. Some of these blogs are from people
with information technology backgrounds, and yet they seem to use
Jekyll or some other layout programmes, such as
WordPress to generate pages. See Aurelio Jargas' website. Aurelio is
using Jekyll now, however it was possible to find a
very early webpage of his Brazilian music group called
DUMBS written, presumably, by himself. The webpage
seems to have started with a simple, cool design (and one picture
of the band!), which was soon after buried under a lot of litter
(gifs, pictures), which would leave important information out of
sight. Sometime later, Aurelio writes in the website logs that the
page was slow to load, too! We can compare with the music band final website
he maintains as memoir of good times to this date.
There is no convincing me any of these programmes end up being
easier to learn and use than to make your own webpages with good
HTML and CSS code. The principle still ought to be a clean website
with good content is superior than busy and heavy websites.
It is clear that if a website grows, it starts to getting harder
to maintain the pages. However, CSS style sheets may prove very
handy for changing formatting of a series of posts. While HTML
structures the text, CSS will style it.
Not everything can be done with CSS but I reckon much can be done
without need of a complete rewrite of the website. Plus,
sed can be very useful in changing whole sections of HTML
documents. Bash may not be the most recommended language
for maintenance of a very large website, perhaps, however
bash is already helping me with compiling the All posts page. Every blog post has got its own
manually-crafted HTML page, with many logical tags which may serve
to present this same content in different ways for different
people, for example, for the visually impaired or the people in the
future, whenever in time.
Aurelio's writing style can be funny and that keeps the reader
interested. I shall try to keep this website light-spirited,
For now, I cannot grow this website too much without further
defining and deciding on its basic structure. For that, I may even
make some drawings on paper and try to implement that structure in
HTML code..
#2 - English & Português
Como comento bastante nos parágrafos abaixo, é complicado eu
replicar o mesmo conteúdo em português e inglês. Apesar da intenção
deste site ser para anotações de pesquisas e ideas, assim como
coleção de listas de links de referência para uso pessoal em
momento futuro, também é para ser compartilhado com interessados, e
seria uma pena não usar o Inglês para tentar atingir o maior número
de pessoas ao redor do mundo. De modo que decidi escrever os textos
em qualquer língua, porém sem compromissos ou promessas.
Há um texto meu em português com memórias e algumas histórias de
minhas aventuras no Japão, onde cursei um ano e meio do ensino
médio na escola internato Meitoku Gijuku, o
que mudou muito o meu caráter e meu modo de ver as coisas.. Veja
Espelho de Jamil. no blog d'A Viagem de ShigeS.
This is the last day of August. Today, I am trying to
consolidate my health-wise plans for September. My routine needs
improvement, it is already much better than it was between
2014-2017, but sometimes I fail my plans and that may lead me to
some bad days too easily. That is what needs improvement, more
resistance to a routine which can keep my frustrations in
Anyways, Luke Smith has got a video in which he explains how he
manages his website. he has got a cloud Debian server server in
which 'nginx' is installed.. The programme is called 'engine ex'
and is a web server. In this website, I am doing everything
manually and carefully, for example, all subdirectories will need
have an index.html file in order for their contents not to be
visible as raw file hierarch, even if that must be a
403-forbidden-type index.html..
There are other more important steps I could do at leisure
first, for example, renting a custom domain for the website and a
better place to host that than GitHub..
An important point is to decide what language this website will
be. I reckon that would be a shame not to use English as a
practical means for exposing content to the wide world web, however
most people I know speak only Portuguese. There is just so much
time and effort I can put into this website, and as much of the
purpose of creating this is for my recordings of research and
ideas, collating references and links for easily accessing them
later, just as much my intent is to share and spread these writings
with everyone else.
That leaves me in a difficult position but it is decided I will
write in whichever language, but I cannot promise as much content
in both languages. I hope this is may serve as stimulus for those
who would like to read more of my posts. It may also be useful,
there may be some information I would rather not expose in either
English or Portuguese..
I know a little Japanese, too. That was the biggest movement of
my life when I went to Japan and lived in Meitoku
Gijuku, a boarding school, for one year and a half. There is a
long recollection text in portuguese I wrote just before leaving
Japan. That is hosted online at the blog A Viagem de ShigueS
Espelho de Jamil.
Fig 1. Otsukaresama! We got to
the top of the mountain in new year's day (1st January
2006) just to watch the sun rise. The group was about 8 people, two
were Americans and all others, except me, were Japanese. I knew
half of those people with whom we had celebrated new year's evening
the night before together. (credit: personal
archive) Fig 2. Meitoku Gijuku Junior
& Senior High School promotional banner. (credit:
gijuku website)
#1 - Sync an HTML Blog!
The first post of this website is to sync its code to GitHub. I
started learning shell scripting about one year and three months
ago and simple html code seems a good next choice because of its
Watching m1xolyd1an
videos about Bitcoin got me excited about html. He uses JavaScript
and NodeJS, I reckon, to do maths to hash Bitcoin addresses and some
html, too.
Plus, it struck me just the other day I could make my father,
who is a lawyer, a website (he said he has got one but I could not
find it on the internet).
Also, a friend of mine asked me to help him make a website last
year and I could not be helpful (he has got a very stylish website
now, he paid a professional, which I am glad for!).
Next step, I will detach this post from the front page --
This post will have to become a rough draft for an html post
skeleton for future posts..
A very good website structure is needed to be able to scale the
amount of code without much frustration..
Setting meta tags for <head> seems to be majorly
important.. Interestingly, Luke Smith webpage has got almost no
meta tags.. Actually, many websites don't seem to care about html
tags at all, with the exception of the charset and http-equiv
It has been a few days since I started studying html for this
website project. Now I am checking lots of websites source code. In
Firefox, just press <CTR+U> to see the source
This website may seem already abandoned, but in fact, I have
been putting some effort in writing good source html code in the
three pages this web site has already got. Specially, I was worried
about the meta tags, and now many important ones are added to the
<head> section of the pages.
A visitor counter is added to the home page, but visibility is
not enabled and I am not sure whether leaving it on is any good,
because I cannot be sure what external scripts they may be
running with my visitors, plus as I will access my website the most
frequently, probably it will count only my own traffic..
That would be very similar to GitHub traffic to my repos, though
I am not 100% sure, much of the traffic GitHub shows me in the
insight section seems to be from myself when re-cloning own repos
to update them.. Sometimes it is clear there is some traffic not
from me, though..
I had to finally deal with solving a problem with my vim
configuration.. The problem was using a parentheses colourising
plugin from Luochen1990 called rainbow,
which just messed up my syntax highlighting.. I removed it and now
set to using kien's rainbow
parentheses which is a little harder to use and has got
a hidden command RainbowParenthesesLoadChevrons but
that, I am mostly sure, is to avoid new users enabling it with
incompatible language highlighters on. For example, the rainbow
chevrons option must not be enabled when html syntax highlighting
is also enabled, unless you want to break the html syntax
Also, installed mattn's vim-emmets
plugin, which really helps with writing html tags.. I actually
found that on Arch Linux User Repository (AUR) .
I am being careful to writing these canonical html source pages
because if I do hurry up and write bad html sources, I would need
rewriting them later at some point. When my studying of Dan's Web
Tips is finished (see reference above), I will be ready..
Fig 1. May HTML also be read as `how to meet lads'?
(credit: kris
PS: I have included a google analytics script in the home page
and will leave that on for some time, just to see how that works
for now.
I checked Dan's web tips website and he has got an
analytics/statistics script, so maybe that is not 100% an evil
thing to do.. He also seems to have had a simple visitor counter
before that, which is now commented out in the page HTML code.. I
checked and it reached 38000+ hits before being commented out in
favor of his new analytics script..
PPS: it seems that the bad thing is not really getting website
guest statistics as much as showing ads! Content quality may
decrease when all the author wants is the advertisement revenue..
For example, youtube incites vlog authors to make any type of
content in large quantities in order to have channel monetisation
via ad views..
PPPS: one of the trackers I was testing uses a third-party
services matomo [[dot]] org which seems a very suspicious company.
As their advertising of user information collection and selling is
so outspoken in their website, I am removing it.. I will leave
Google Analytics, though.
#0 - O Espelho (The Mirror)
Este é um relato das minhas experiências no Japão que escrevi
antes de voltar ao Brazil em 2006. O texto foi republicado no blog
das Viagens do ShigeS. Com o tempo, o meu texto foi retirado da
postagem então resolvi clonar o site daquela época para
disponibilizar aqui. O texto foi escrito em Português.
Before coming back to Brazil in 2006, I decided to write yet
another but shorter account of my experiences in Japan.
Life was
hectic at Meitoku Gijuku, a traditional boarding school. Our
day would start with a loud Japanese pop music blowing on the
speakers at the dorm corridors and we had to get up to be counted.
We would run to the baseball fields and do 5-10 minutes of
stretching and exercise and sing Japan national anthem. Sometimes,
if student groups delayed at arrival or behaved particularly bad at
some point that morning, the exercise would extend and sometimes we
would run about the baseball fields until the teachers were
At cafeteria, we would sit and sing our thanks for the farmers
who planted and reaped the food. Only then were we allowed to have
breakfast. Sometimes there would be only rice and powdered algae to
sprinkle over it for seasoning.
The food wasn't too bad most days, we would have milk at least 2
days a week. You could not eat freely, the exceptions were the boys
from Sumo
club, who could eat at least twice as much as other
There were vending machines at the school and teachers would
take exchange students, me included, to the supermarket once a
month for buying personal food.
I wrote many long texts with accounts of my experiences in
Japan. Some of them were handwritten and I haven't got a copy
This is a shorter piece I wrote immediately before coming back
to Brazil, at my American friend Michael Khan home, deep into the
mountains, at around Sept 2006.
The 19-year-old student who wrote that was far from perfect but
had courage to cater for himself and learn new things. I need
relearn some of those attributes.
Getting published and removed
I cannot really remember how I got acquainted with ShigueS,
maybe from Flickr. I used to
post photos there and had quite some followers and followed many
people, too.
Originally, ShigueS' post about me was about 5 paragraphs long
and only cited a passage of my accounts of Japan. ShigueS asked
whether he could publish my original piece in his personal website, which
mostly talks about about his international trips and
Eventually ShigueS removed my original accounts from that post
altogether. I reckon there were two problems with my text. The
first is I used a bad and rude expression and reapeated it three
times, such expression was shit-scared. I regret the poor
choosing of words that is not ellegant. Second problem was back in
~2010, photos he linked back to my Fickr became unavailable as my
those photos were removed..
While I am grateful he kept my content on his post for many
years, I reckon removing it is unfair. I did share that
post link many times in various places. Now that my piece is gone,
people who may find that old link can still reach his website but
not my experience accounts anymore. Also, there were about 8
comments from visitors which were all but removed.
I decided to fork his website post from 2008 and update it with
all the comments the post pooled over the years. I removed all
scripting code, meta links to Wayback Machine and Google analytics
and all other references to weird websites.
That wasn't a hard task. First, I got a copy of the website with
from Arch
Linux AUR, which delivers a clean index.html
without most of Wayback machine code additions.
That HTML file had far too many meta links and scripts to other
webpages, which mostly got removed. Digg3 style sheet was
a little tricky to get rid of as it was required to download little
images that compound the menu bar.
I needed a more full copy of the website to be able to
find the complete style sheets and website design images. I run
wget --header="$UAG" --convert-links --page-requisites
[URL], in which $UAG is a custom user agent
string (maybe not required).
So I got all the essential page requisites cloned locally. I
only had to adjust some relative paths. The page looks cool and
actually loads much fast.
The original text is in Portuguese. Some images in the post are
actually mine, although not the very same chosen by ShigeS at the
time of his publication.
j n é um rapaz de 19 anos que veio ao Japão estudar em
um internato, afim de aprender a língua japonesa e a cultura do
país. Ficou 2 anos convivendo com outros jovens japoneses e muitas
pessoas de outras nações e etnias. Nesse período descobriu muito
sobre si mesmo e sobre a vida.
j n é um rapaz de 19 anos que veio ao Japão estudar em
um internato, afim de aprender a língua japonesa e a cultura do
país. Ficou 2 anos convivendo com outros jovens japoneses e muitas
pessoas de outras nações e etnias. Nesse período descobriu muito
sobre si mesmo e sobre a vida.
Eu o encontrei por acaso em um de minhas andanças no
Flickr, onde Jamil tem uma conta e muitas fotos bacanas (principalmente
as tiradas durante o período que passou no Japão). Durante sua
estadia aqui ele aprendeu muito sobre fotografia. Mandei um e-mail
e acabamos nos tornando amigos, ele tem me dado umas dicas sobre a
vida no Japão.
Jamil, ou DJami-chan, escreveu um texto sobre essa experiência. Um texto cheio
de emoção contando sua experiência quase mágica na terra do sol
nascente. Eu o li e não resisti em pedir sua autorização para
compartilhá-lo com as pessoas que passam por esse blog. Acredito
que seja de muita valia para quem quer um dia se aventurar pelo
mundo, ainda mais por aqui, nos confins do planeta Terra.
Tomei a liberdade de batizar o texto como “O Espelho
de Jamil“, pois acredito que ele tenha escrito, meio que
inconscientemente, contando a história para si mesmo. Alguém vê um
grande talento para fotografia? Pô Jamil, continue postando novas
~ por ShigueS em julho 24,
Olá a todos!
Japão. Estou fazendo vários textos sobre o
país, sobre minha experiência aqui. Em alguns dias estarei voltando
ao Brasil. Nunca pensei que estaria com tanta vontade de ouvir e
falar português novamente. Em inglês o termo que demonstra
corretamente a vontade que estou sentindo seria “craving”.
Craving por ouvir e falar português novamente! Nunca
pensei que tal iria acontecer. Não comigo…
De vez em quando uso o Skype e falo com minha mãe, meu pai e com
alguns de meus amigos, ou os ligo por telefone mesmo. Mas o que
quero mesmo é estar frente a frente com eles e conversar e dar
risadas e fazer gestos e olhar a minha volta e poder entender tudo
o que está escrito e tudo o que todos fazem sem precisar tentar
assimilar uma cultura nova e complexa. Não que eu tenha me enchido
do Japão ou que não goste daqui mais. Eu adoro! E sofro a
cada momento que me aproximo da inevitável viagem de 40 horas.
Adoro a terra, as pessoas e amo as experiências que tive.
“Serão páginas douradas no livro da sua vida”, como alguém
uma certa vez me escreveu.
★ ★ ★
De vez em quando os meus propósitos se diluíam. Quando isso
acontecia, algo fascinante e ao mesmo tempo considerado normal para
as pessoas do local, como uma simples brisa talvez com um aroma
diferente para mim, um aroma, como posso me expressar? Um
Essa é a palavra! Um aroma indescritível soprava e magicamente
acertava novamente minha cabeça atordoada. Um aroma do
Japão. É impressionante como um simples leve vento pode
mudar tudo. É algo mágico. É como se houvesse uma força que inspira
e renova, como o empurrão na primeira peça do dominó que foi
enfileirado. Cada pessoa percebe essas forças renovadoras de uma
forma, eu acredito. Para cada pessoa é algo diferente e
Voltar para o Brasil agora é necessário. A lógica na maioria das
vezes não bate em sincronia com coração e sentimentos. Eu sei que
tenho que voltar, meu tempo aqui, pelo menos desta vez, chegou ao
fim. Então por que é mais difícil aceitar voltar do que deveria
Bem, eu também não entendia. Por muito tempo achei que na
verdade eu não queria voltar, mas dentro de mim havia sempre algo
que puxava e me desconcertava. Apesar de ser boa, “não querer
voltar” não era a resposta real do que eu estava sentindo. Até
que um dia, subitamente, realização veio: não é que não quero ir
embora para o Brasil. É só que eu estou meio que
simplesmente borrando-me de medo de ir embora e nunca mais
conseguir voltar para
o Japão!
A vida começa a se mostrar mais difícil a cada momento. Eu cresci
no Japão, tive que começar a pensar no meu futuro, nas minhas
paixões -a cultura japonesa e a biologia, pra citar duas somente
duas- e como fazer para juntar tudo em uma profissão que eu
trabalhe com elas simultaneamente. Eu não tinha certeza, e ainda
não tenho, se conseguirei um caminho na minha vida em que ambas
paixões se combinem. Meu medo é que eu tenha que optar por uma
única delas.
★ ★ ★
Fazer turismo não é ver o país em que você está por inteiro. É
ver só o que ele tem de bonito, de legal, de superficial. Morar é
ver tudo isso mais a realidade. A realidade consiste em
coisas ruins também, assim tem-se um equilíbrio. Os que ficam
demoradamente vivendo a realidade do cotidiano do país, têm uma
vantagem: apesar dos momentos ruins acham os mais preciosos grãos
de ouro de sua experiência. São as pequenas coisas, nada de monte
Fuji, de Templo de Ouro. Coisas mais simples que somadas são o que
realmente marcam a ferro em brasa o coração. Coisas que talvez você
não conseguirá dizer às pessoas num dia de festa aqui no Brasil,
mas que por alguns segundos te farão baixar os olhos mesmo na mais
animada das festas, chacoalhar a cabeça de mansinho e um sorriso de
saudade vai brotar
em seus lábios. E alguém do outro lado da mesa, ou que está em sua
frente na roda de conversa, vai te perguntar, o que foi?.
Você irá responder nada não…, mas na verdade será
tudo. É aquilo que realmente importa.
Outra coisa importante que percebi aqui no Japão é que adoro o
meu país e minha cultura apesar de todos os pontos ruins que nela
há e que eram os únicos pontos que eu pensava existir quando ainda
estava no Brasil. Aqui eu aprendi que o Brasil é um país normal, se
um pouco mais violento em alguns aspectos, mas um pais ótimo apesar
de tudo. A minha nação tem algumas qualidades que a do Japão não
Aqui também há mendigos, indigentes, pessoas com doenças ou com
calombos ou qualquer outra nojentice no corpo, andando pelas ruas,
cheirando mal e sem dinheiro ou casa para morar. Aqui também há
desrespeito, política suja (se bem que mais refinada),
criminalidade e drogas. Quando vi um pessoal fumando maconha em uma
festa, fiquei super surpreso em saber que no País do Sol Nascente
pode-se comprar facilmente a erva da larica. Nunca me ocorreu que
aqui as pessoas também fumavam maconha assim como no Brasil.
Inocência minha, assim como pensava que tudo o que havia de ruim no
Brasil era exclusivo do Brasil.
Que pretensão!
Com isso esclarecido, gostaria de falar brevemente de algumas
experiências que merecem ser citadas.
★ ★ ★
Meitoku. Meu colégio
interno foi uma grande oportunidade de ver as grandes e mais
importantes engrenagens que ficam bem no centro de tudo o que
governa o Japão e que muitos não sabem o que são. Alguns já ouviram
falar delas, mas não têm noção do quão importante são.
As engrenagens do Sistema Kohai-Sempai são grandes e lubrificadas ao
ponto de pingarem graxa. É mais ou menos assim: o mais novo sempre
obedece o mais velho. O mais novo sempre respeita o mais velho. Faz
até mesmo o uso de uma linguagem mais formal para o demonstrar.
O mais velho não precisa respeitar o mais novo sempre. O mais
velho pode pedir o que quiser que provavelmente terá sua vontade
realizada, como por exemplo usar um garoto mais novo como
Me trás uma coca! Um ramen! Limpa a
minha escrivaninha!
Claro que não é com todos os mais novos que os mais velhos fazem
esse tipo de maldade; e não é em todos os lugares que isso acontece
tão explicitamente também. Eu vi isso acontecer mais acentuadamente
em escolas, onde todos são jovens e preferem imaginar que o que
estão fazendo não tem importância. Os alunos mais fracos
psicologicamente são os mais sofredores por esse tipo de cultura. A
intensidade também varia, mas há casos extremos.
Há casos extremos. E não é tão raro assim.
Quando digo “mais velho”, me refiro a qualquer pessoa um ano ou
mais mais velha do que outra pessoa. É cruel saber que um ano de
idade faz toda a diferença. Na maioria dos casos as crianças e
jovens só conseguem ter amigos com pessoas da mesma idade.
Os mais novos, na maioria dos casos, são feitos para serem
explorados. Só é merecedor de respeito as pessoas da mesma idade
que eu, é mais ou menos o que eles pensam. O sistema se aplica a
todas as relações entre todos os japoneses desde a pequena idade.
Supostamente o sistema Korrai-Sempai é um
sistema em que o mais velho é responsável pela educação dos mais
novos, podendo até mesmo receber a culpa pelos maus, ou errôneos,
atos dos mais novos.
Comigo esse sistema nunca funcionou direito. Alias, não se
aplicou apesar de inúmeros esforços de alguns mais velhos. Tenho
muitas histórias para contar de como deixei pessoas irritadas das
formas mais inesperadas possíveis. Comigo o sistema ocidental
Respeitar os mais velhos desde que esses me respeitem
Recordando, agora acho que deveria ter entrado um pouco no
sistema deles. Deveria ter sido mais humilde em algumas
situações. Minha experiência no colégio interno teria sido
melhor se eu tivesse usado mais da humildade. Mas era eu contra o
mundo. Não tive muita ajuda, tive que descobrir as coisas por mim
mesmo. E descobrir por si mesmo é um processo demorado e doloroso.
Só agora entendo acertadamente o que deveria ter feito.
★ ★ ★
Como é fácil fazer amizade com pessoas que não tem olho puxado
quando você está no Japão! É um dos privilégios que só estrangeiros
têm. Vou sentir a maior saudade disso quando estiver em solo
Brasileiro de novo. Aqui eu sou gaikoku-jin, no Brasil eu sou simplesmente
koku-jin. Ou seja, no Japão eu sou
um estrangeiro todo especial, no Brasil sou somente um brasileiro a
mais na multidão.
Conheci e me tornei amigo de senegaleses, chineses, ingleses,
americanos, canadenses, coreanos, taiwaneses, malasianos,
polandeses, uma kenyana e um sul africano. Também conheci alguns
mongóis, árabes e chilenos. Um monte de gente da Esfera
Conheci a maioria dos meus amigos estrangeiros de forma
inusitada mas não totalmente espontânea, a princípio quando saía
com um grupo supervisionado por professores para ir fazer nossas
minhas compras individuais para o mês. Depois que arrumei meus
primeiros contatos fora da escola, as coisas ficaram mais fáceis. A
medida que eu ia passar alguns dias nas casas deles, como férias
por exemplo, eu comecei a ver a o que era o Japão por inteiro.
Meu universo concernindo o Japão simplesmente deu um salto
E com isso, a dura verdade sobre o colégio interno que eu estava
começou a ficar clara para mim. Até aquele momento eu pensava estar
vendo o que era o Japão. Mas não era bem assim. Apesar do meu
colégio estar no Japão, ele era só uma pequeníssima parte
de tudo o que o Japão é e representa na verdade. O Japão fora do
colégio era maior, mais real, mais mágico.
Era o que eu tinha vindo ver e aprender, mas que me fora
substituído sem eu perceber por algo totalmente diferente. Até que
a ficha caiu.
Graças aos meus amigos.
Foi por esses meus amigos que consegui ter uma experiência que
valeu a pena apesar de todos os maus momentos na escola.
★ ★ ★
Conheci Michael Kahn, e sua casa na “Vila do
Deep in the mountains. Sugoku yama no naka da.
Passei inesquecíveis momentos aqui. No ano novo fizemos um
trekking (=caminhada) para o pico de uma montanha ainda
quando a noite aguardava o sol aparecer. Subimos com lanternas às
mãos, um guia à frente nos contando histórias de como ele e mais
outros tinham sido os primeiros a cortar aquele caminho pelo qual
nós passávamos, sobre as plantas e animais da região. Barulhos de
insetos e dos ganhos quebrando aos nossos pés ricocheteavam nas
altas árvores, figuras negras e imponentes naquela hora da
Depois de uma longa caminhada de 45 minutos na quase-manhã fria,
chegamos ao topo e vimos o nascer do sol. O mais bonito do mundo
para mim. Um dos mais bonitos dos últimos anos para eles. As nuvens
na distância pareciam estar na mesma altura que nós estávamos. A
paisagem montanhosa a nossa volta era primeiro azul marinha e aos
poucos tornou-se dourada, com o sol cor de ouro saindo timidamente
pelas nuvens e revelando toda a paisagem no seu máximo esplendor.
Ao longe, as montanhas mais altas ainda carregavam grandes
quantidades de neve em seus dorsos.
Vi o primeiro dia de 2006 se revelando das mantas noturnas
lentamente, minuto a minuto com canções japonesas pairando no ar a
minha volta, cantadas pelos integrantes do nosso grupo de
★ ★ ★
Outras memórias consistem da minha ida para Nagoya fazer meu
alistamento militar (AM). Recentemente fui para Osaka tirar meu
visto dos EUA para poder voltar ao Brasil e fui a Kyoto, que fica
bem pertinho de lá.
Ah, Kyoto! Nunca vou esquecer da atmosfera cinematográfica, do
perfume embriagante, ou da aprendiz de Geisha, chamada Maiko, que vi se apressando entre uma sessão e outra
enquanto passeava pelas estreitas e antigas ruazinhas de
Kyoto é uma das cidade japonesas mais tradicionais do país
inteiro. Só pude ir pois ganhei o dinheiro da passagem, transporte
local, comida e hotel dos meus amigos. Um presente que, com câmeras
profissionais, boa trilha sonora daria um daqueles ótimos
documentários de TV que no final você fica pensando Ah! Mais eu
TENHO que ir pra esse lugar!
Kyoto foi o lugar mais inesquecível que visitei até hoje e eu
gostaria muito de morar lá no futuro. Nunca pensei que eu ficaria
com tanta inveja de um lugar.
★ ★ ★
O “Festival das Camisetas” e o “Festival de Filmes e Slideshows” me deram outros bons dias. Fui voluntário
no Festival das Camisetas e conheci muitos japoneses vindos de
lugares longínquos, e uma cidade com uma ótima, ótima praia e
paisagem (o lema da cidade era alguma coisa do tipo: “para que
precisamos de um museu se temos a nossa belíssima praia?”),
além de ficar hospedado com uma família muito especial.
Naqueles dias, eu me cansava de dia e de noite relaxava em
passeios noturnas a luz de lanternas no meio dos imensos campos de
arroz da região. Sapos coaxando e pirilampos piscando estavam em
todos os lugares. O cheiro da água lamacenta e da natureza
caracterizava o lugar e o dava uma atmosfera única. A luz da lua dá
o toque final na composição.
Em uma noite do Festival de Camisetas, eu e algumas meninas de
outras prefeituras até fomos para a areia da praia onde o festival
acontece, e brincamos de pega-pega sob as estrelas e entre os
longos varais com camisetas penduradas expondo os desenhos ou
frases de seus autores.
★ ★ ★
Para o Festival de Filmes, fiz um videozinho de três minutos e
meio sobre minha experiência aqui no Japão. Deixei a Meitoku de
fora. Um dos lugares que eu menos queria me lembrar enquanto
aproveitava minha chance lá fora. No grande dia consegui me vestir
decentemente somente graças a dois amigos que me emprestaram as
peças de roupa formal que me faltavam para completar o aparato do
terno. Para minha grande surpresa, consegui ficar com o quinto
lugar. O Festival de Filmes e Slideshow daquele ano, esse ano,
2006, foi o primeiro dos muito que virão.
Apareci até em rede nacional por causa desse festival! A TV
Japonesa NHK estava lá, viu meu filme e gostou de mim o suficiente
para ir até minha escola e fazer entrevistas comigo. Depois de mais
ou menos 20 dias, quando a matéria da reportagem ficou pronta,
apareci na televisão. Fui uma das únicas duas pessoas que foram
entrevistadas entre os candidatos do Festival de Filmes. Da noite
para o dia, virei astro no colégio. Todos os professores me
Ninguém poderia comprar essa…
★ ★ ★
Depois que adquiri minha câmera em setembro de 2005, comecei a
tirar fotos e estudei muito sobre fotografia. Pixels, CCD, CMOS,
balanço da cor branca, exposição, stops,
braketting, ISO, barulho, gráficos de
luminosidade, compensação de exposição, SLR, DSLR, além de ler
reviews sobre as máquinas digitais mais famosas, como Canon 10D,
20D, 30D, 5D, 1D, 350, Digital Rebel (Kiss), Fuji S9500, S6000fd,
Nikon D70, D80, D100, D200 e por aí afora, só para conhecer quais
eram esses modelos e saber do que falar em uma possível conversa de
fotografia. Modéstia a parte, me tornei um expert em
Eu comecei a postar minhas fotos no flickr e logo começaram a
fazer sucesso com os meus amigos que as viam. Depois que viram que
eu daria um bom fotógrafo, me pediram muitas vezes para fazer algum
tipo de trabalho para eles. Tirei fotos em várias ocasiões. Ensinei
muitos a usarem corretamente suas câmeras digitais. Michael, que
tem uma Canon 10D, se surpreendeu muitas vezes em aprender que
existiam certos botões em sua câmera que ele nem desconfiava que
existiam e suas funções.
Um amigo que vende saxofones pediu minha ajuda para fotografar
seus instrumentos e peças para seu website, além de lições sobre
luz, fundo para fotografia de objetos e conselho na hora da compra
de uma nova câmera. A escolhida foi uma Canon S2 IS. Recentemente
fiz mais duas sessões de fotos em um estúdio semi-profissional para
o website dele com duas modelos.
Uma delas era japonesa e a outra estadosunidense.
Ambas vestindo roupas sexy e segurando saxs…
Amanhã vou ser o fotógrafo para um casamento que acontecerá aqui
na Vila do Espelho, e também um pouco de cinegrafista, já que o
cinegrafista oficial, que é um amigo meu e do casal, vai se
ausentar em dois momentos.
Nessa noite fresquinha, pré-casamento, é basicamente isso o que
eu queria contar. Estou escrevendo textos detalhados sobre o Japão,
no estilo do texto do AM (aqueles que leram sabem como é). Mas como
nem todos gostam de ler páginas e mais páginas, pensei em fazer
esse resumão para saciar a curiosidade de parentes e amigos.
Isso é o Japão que conheço, suficiente para poder chamar de
minha casa.
Para finalizar, eu quero mostrar o trecho de um livro chamado
A Hat Full Of Sky, de Terry Pratchett.
“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So
that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra
colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back
to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”
“Por que você vai para longe?
Para que você possa voltar. Para que você possa ver o lugar de onde
você veio com novos olhos e cores extras. E as pessoas lá te vêem
diferente também. Voltar para onde se começou não é o mesmo que
nunca se ter partido.”
Vila do Espelho, Kochi, Japão.
j n
j n
Eu tive que reformular esse texto. O original foi feito no
Macintosh do meu amigo Michael. Eu não conseguia colocar acentos e
na época não sabia que não estava mais fluente no português. Eu sei
que perde um pouco da graça, ler o texto assim, editado. Mas fiz
isso para que ficasse mais fácil de ser entendido e mais prazeroso
ao mesmo tempo.
Quase 10 meses depois de ter escrito o original, minhas opiniões
não mudaram. Fazia muito tempo que não relia este texto e lê-lo
novamente me fez lembrar de muitas coisas que já tinham dado lugar
a assuntos recentes. Este ano estou estudando bastante para o
vestibular, quero fazer biologia, ou, sendo mais chique, ciências
biológicas. Muita preocupação e ansiedade pelos resultados.
Ainda não sei que caminho minha vida vai tomar. Ainda tô meio
que simplesmente apavorado de medo de não conseguir
conciliar minha paixões, apavorado de medo de não conseguir voltar
para o Japão logo…
Mas eu acho que dou um jeito.
Noite fria e chuvosa, Curitiba, Paraná,
Brasil. 22/07/2007.