#MountaineerBr -- Package List for Arch Linux #Source this file to load package arrays # vi:ft=sh #CORE CORE=( archlinux-keyring base base-devel bash bzip2 coreutils curl dash dbus dhcpcd diffutils efibootmgr expat gnupg grub gzip iptables kbd links linux linux-api-headers linux-firmware linux-headers linux-lts linux-lts-headers man-db man-pages mkinitcpio nano ncurses openssh openssl pacman-mirrorlist pciutils pcre pcre2 perl procinfo-ng readline tzdata usbutils util-linux vi wireless_tools wpa_supplicant xz zstd ) #EXTRA EXTRA=( aalib adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts adobe-source-serif-pro-fonts alsa-card-profiles alsa-plugins alsa-utils arch-install-scripts aspell baobab bash-completion bdf-unifont bind bluez bluez-utils breeze breeze-icons brotli cheese chromium cmake conky cpio devtools discount easytag ebook-tools expac exiv2 feh ffmpeg ffnvcodec-headers #NVIDIA figlet file-roller firefox flac fontconfig freetype2 fuse2 fuse3 geoip geoip-database ghostscript gimp git gnome-font-viewer gnuplot gparted grml-zsh-config gsfonts gspell gtk-doc gtk-engines gtk2 gtk3 gucharmap gv gvfs gvfs-mtp gvfs-nfs gvim hicolor-icon-theme hspell htop hunspell hunspell-en_GB hyphen hyphen-en imagemagick imagemagick-doc inkscape iso-codes jpegexiforient jre-openjdk kcharselect kdenlive kruler ladspa lame libcanberra libcanberra-pulse libreoffice-still libreoffice-still-en-gb libreoffice-still-pt-br libva-mesa-driver linux-zen linux-zen-headers lm_sensors lynx md4c #markdown with github flavour meld mesa #NVIDIA mesa-demos #NVIDIA mesa-vdpaua #NVIDIA mjpegtools most mutt mythes-en namcap nawk network-manager-applet networkmanager nm-connection-editor noto-fonts-emoji ntfs-3g nvidia #NVIDIA#ORecnvidia-dkms nvidia-lts #NVIDIA (use with linux-lts) nvidia-prime #NVIDIA nvidia-settings #NVIDIA nvidia-utils #NVIDIA opencl-nvidia #NVIDIA opengl-man-pages openjpeg2 orage p7zip pavucontrol pkgfile poppler pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-equalizer python python2 qpdf qrencode r rsync screen sound-theme-freedesktop stellarium strace testdisk thunderbird thunderbird-i18n-pt-br tidy tk transmission-gtk tree ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-carlito ttf-crosscore ttf-dejavu ttf-hack unrar unzip vlc vulkan-intel vulkan-mesa-layers w3m wget woff2 xbitmaps xclip xcursor-themes xdg-dbus-proxy xdg-user-dirs xdg-utils xf86-input-libinput xf86-video-fbdev xfce4 xfce4-goodies xkeyboard-config xorg xorg-apps xorg-fonts-misc xorg-twm xorg-xcalc xorg-xclock xorg-xedit xorg-xeyes xorg-xfd xorg-xfontsel xorg-xinit xorg-xload xorg-xlsfonts xorg-xmag xorg-xrandr #NVIDIA xscreensaver xterm zbar zip zsh zsh-doc ) #COMMUNITY COMMUNITY=( ack acpi_call #NVIDIA acpi #NVIDIA acpid #NVIDIA age #file cryptography from google alsa-tools angband #game arch-audit aria2 arj asciidoc asciiquarium aspell-pt audacity awesome-terminal-fonts bat bbswitch #NVIDIA#OR#bbswitch-dkms bitcoin-cli bitcoin-daemon blueman bluez-tools brightnessctl bsd-games bumblebee #NVIDIA busybox cabextract canto-curses catdoc #.doc documents to txt catfish clementine cmatrix colordiff conky-manager cpupower cuda #NVIDIA datamash dateutils diffstat dina-font dmenu docx2txt dopewars dos2unix dzen2 edbrowse electrum elinks espeak espeak-ng faenza-icon-theme fbida fish fortune-mod fractal fuseiso gimagereader-gtk git-lfs gpick gtk-engine-murrine gtkspell3 herbstluftwm id3v2 jp2a jq lhasa lolcat lrzip ls++ lsd man-pages-pt_br monero monero-gui moreutils mp3info ncdu neofetch neovim netsurf newsboat nomacs npm odt2txt opera os-prober otf-cascadia-code otter-browser pacgraph pacman-contrib pacutils parallel pastebinit pax pdfarranger pdfgrep pdfmixtool pdfmod pdftricks picard picom pigz pixz primus #NVIDIA primus_vk #NVIDIA pstotext pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa pulseeffects redshift #reflector ripgrep rofimoji sc #cli spreadsheet screenkey shellcheck simplescreenrecorder smem #memory statistics snes9x-gtk speedcrunch speedtest-cli stardict stylelint stylelint-config-standard sxiv tamsyn-font tcsh terminus-font tesseract tesseract-data-eng tesseract-data-por the_silver_searcher thefuck tinyxml2 tldr tlp tlp-rdw tmux tor torbrowser-launcher ttf-anonymous-pro ttf-cascadia-code ttf-droid ttf-eurof ttf-fantasque-sans-mono ttf-fira-code ttf-fira-mono ttf-hanazono ttf-ibm-plex ttf-inconsolata ttf-liberation ttf-linux-libertine ttf-monofur ttf-opensans ttf-proggy-clean ttf-roboto-mono ttf-ubuntu-font-family udevil unarj units vifm vim-supertab vim-surround vimpager virtualbox virtualbox-host-modules-arch #OR#virtualbox-host-dkms #virtualbox-guest-modules #OR#virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualgl vivaldi wdiff woff2-cascadia-code woff2-fira-code words words wtf xaos xbindkeys xcursor-bluecurve xdotool xmlstarlet xpdf xreader xsel youtube-dl zsh-completions zsh-lovers zsh-syntax-highlighting ) #AUR AUR=( abricotine #md editor ansifilter ansiweather arc-gtk-theme arc-icon-theme ascii-patrol asciisec aurutils bash-docs bsdmainutils cdm-git clustal-omega clustalw cointop csview-git csvkit #csv tools eaglemode #file manager edex-ui-git emmet-vim-git figlet-fonts fim fontviewer google-chrome google-earth-pro greenrain gromit-mpx-git gtkhash gtkhash-thunar html-xml-utils humanity-icon-theme hunspell-pt-br imgur.sh lierolibre montecarlo-font nocturnal-themes-git nodejs-markdownlint-cli numix-icon-theme-pack-git obsidian-icon-theme oleo #cli spreadsheet oneko #optimus-manager #NVIDIA #optimus-manager-qt #NVIDIA osx-arc-aurorae-theme otf-sfmono pacman-pstatus pacman4console papirus-icon-theme pipes.sh pylote-git python-base58 ruby-mdless sc-im screamingfrogseospider searchmonkey-gtk seaview sedsed smartmontools smatrix sound-theme-smooth spectre-meltdown-checker tbclock terminus-font-ttf ternimal tmatrix-git tmux-bash-completion-git toilet tor-browser ttf-clear-sans ttf-mononoki-git ttf-ms-fonts ttf-oswald ttf-symbola txt2html ubuntu-mate-icon-themes ubuntu-mate-themes ubuntu-themes unimatrix-git vanitygen-git ventoy-bin #iso burner vifm-colors-git vim-badwolf vim-colorschemes vim-eunuch vim-markdown-git #plasticboy mardown highlight vlc-media-context vlc-pause-click-plugin websocat whirlpool-gui wscat xcursor-breeze-serie-obsidian xcursor-oxygen xubuntu-artwork xzoom yay yt-dlp zuki-themes xsv #csv toolbox ) #OTHER (/opt) OTHER=( ttygif ttyrec ) #NPM #{ npm list -g --depth 0 ;} NPM=( sparkly-cli stegcloak wscat ) #CARGO #{ cargo install --list ;} CARGO=( hal ) #MULTILIB WINE=( wine #multilib wine-gecko #community wine-mono #community winetricks #multilib lib32-mpg123 #multilib lib32-giflib #multilib lib32-libpng #multilib lib32-gnutls #multilib lib32-gst-plugins-base #multilib lib32-gst-plugins-good #multilib samba #extra #lib32-gst-plugins-bad #aur #lib32-gst-plugins-ugly #aur lib32-nvidia-utils #multilib lib32-libxslt #multilib vkd3d #community lib32-vkd3d #multilib dosbox #community lib32-vulkan-validation-layers #multilib ) #consider all the software listed at: #http://suckless.org/rocks/ #Print stats of my lists pkgstat() { printf %s\\n core ${#CORE[@]} extra ${#EXTRA[@]} community ${#COMMUNITY[@]} aur ${#AUR[@]} multilib ${#WINE[@]} total $((${#CORE[@]}+${#EXTRA[@]}+${#COMMUNITY[@]}+${#AUR[@]}+${#WINE[@]})) | pr -aT2 -w25 ;} pkgstat